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[Phpgroupware-developers] Property app (was the app HR - take over?)

From: Mauricio
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Property app (was the app HR - take over?)
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 18:59:16 -0200
User-agent: Debian Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050602)

I got 'proposed-0_9_18-branch' from cvs, when I try to enter Property app I get this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: msgbox() in /var/www/phpgw/property/inc/ on line 1329

That has this:

$data = array
  'msgbox_data'   => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->msgbox($msgbox_data),
  'links'         => $links

phpgwapi/inc/ (and other files) doesn't have any msgbox() declaration.

Any sugestion?



Sigurd Nes wrote:
I might something you need.

to add xslt-support to phpgroupware you need this patch:
to apply the patch:
patch -p0 < patchfile.diff

You might find something you need from the app property - which is an
XSLT app.
The app property have (amongst other things) a metadabase for entitites
which you can administrate from Admin->Property->Admin entity.
Here you can add entity-categories - and for each entity-categoriy you
can add attributes (of almost any any type).


The entity "equipment" can have the category "Fire alarm central"
the entity-categoriy can have the attribute "status" as a listbox,
attribute2 as date (which is validated during input), attribute3 as
checkbox and so on...

You will need to give access to this entity-categoriy from

The actual entity-categoriy will show up in the menu Property->Equipment.

Select the category "Fire alarm central" and you can start entering records.



Mauricio wrote:

Uhh.. may be my app can't help you... or can... i don't know!

I've been working on an app (really four apps very similars) that
generates research questionnaires (forms) on an automatic way.

It's for an network of non-governamental organization that assists
youngs, the apps will manage the Youngs, Educators, Organizations and
Activities informations.

At this moment there aren't an administration tool, the questionnaries,
questions, alternatives, etc need to be inserted directly on database.
And only four types of questions are allowed: open answer (text),
alternatives, multiple alternatives and date.

Future (very near) plans includes an app to generate reports crossing
the informations, export to CSV (for Execel and others import) and SPSS
(statistics program).

I'm developping on phpgw 0.9.16, but have interest to know what you are
planning for next versions... I read something about XSLT templates,
very good, since I couldn't do phplib's tpl work how I want!

Congratullations to everyone who worked on phpgw!!!
And sorry my poor english...



Sigurd Nes wrote:

At this point it is not very well defined - but my company (a public
housing company) is looking into purchasing a human resource competence
management system - and the price tag is rather steep. Since we already
are using phpgroupware for facilities management - and I know how to - I
am thinking of adding what we need into phpgroupware.

The basic features would be like:
* List of education and courses per user.
* List of type of experience pr categories and period and a rating of
skills per user.
* Ability to generate a standardized CV as PDF and Excel (also good for
* The user will maintain the information - which possibly (as option)
needs approval from a moderator per record.
* Job-requirements profile - and matching against relevant users to
reveal need for training/education.
* Users wish list for training education.

Do this sound feasible?
I am really interested in what you have been working on.



Mauricio wrote:

Do you have some references on what a system like that may do?

May be I'm working on something similar... or probably useful.


Sigurd Nes wrote:

Is the app hr used for anything ?
Would it be ok for me to take it over and make something comprising a
competence management system?



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