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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] syncml is in cvs

From: Johan Gunnarsson
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] syncml is in cvs
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 15:44:50 +0200

Consider this a alpha release. It's mostly compliant with the SyncML
1.1 standards. Minor stuff related to large object chunking still have

If you're looking for a overview on my code, I recommend reading
syncml.php and some of the syncml_command_* classes. If you're new to
SyncML I recommend the first two chapters of the protocol spec

I have no docs on how to actually get it working, but you basically
just need a phpgw app with ipc interface supporting addData, getData,
getIdList, removeData, replaceData. I know notes does that.

On 7/30/07, Dave Hall <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Earlier this evening Johan imported his syncml module into CVS.  You can
> browse the source at
> or check it out using the following commands with a HEAD checkout:
> cd /path/to/phpgroupware
> cvs co syncml
> Johan has been blogging about some of his work on the module at
> which is syndicated at
> I am impressed with Johan's progress and the quality of his code.
> Johan's work is being sponsored by Google as part of their summer of
> code project -
> Cheers
> Dave
> --
> Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
> API Coordinator
> phpGroupWare
> e address@hidden
> w
> j address@hidden
> sip address@hidden
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