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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Documentation

From: Maât
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Documentation
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 17:49:19 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr; rv: Gecko/20100227 Thunderbird/3.0.3

Le 17/03/2010 22:19, Jimi Anne Thompson a écrit :
> I'm happy to help with your documentation, however I may need some
> help from some of the developers in describing and maintaining the
> descriptions of the various modules.  I also need to have a wiki set
> up so that we can keep version histories and such.
> TIA,
> Ann

Welcome :)

We'll try to help you as much a we can. Some times we'll need to dig in
the code before being able to give a proper answer.

Dont hesitate to insist for an answer ;)


> Failure is not an option -- it comes bundled with Windows.
Nicely written ;)

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