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Re: Editor bugs plus possible re-write

From: Ingo Ruhnke
Subject: Re: Editor bugs plus possible re-write
Date: 15 Oct 2002 00:55:10 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Gervase Lam <address@hidden> writes:

> Are Bug 767 (multiple layers and z-pos sorting for surfaces in the 
> worldmap) and Bug 701 (object sorting in level editor is different from 
> the game) connected with each other?

No, completly unrelated.
> I was looking at 701 to find out what I could do. The only clue I
> got to find out how it currently works is the z-positioning key in
> the editor. Even so, I still don't know how the z-positioning is
> implemented in the editor.

Basically like this:

std::stable_sort(editor_objs.begin (), editor_objs.end (), z_pos_sorter())

Due to the Groundpiece rewrite stuff I did a few weeks back, it should
be enough to add a ObjectManager::z_pos_sort() at the right places
(everywhere where the list of objects is changed), you can currently
press 's' to call the sort manually.

> However, Bug 767 mentions that there would need to be a re-write of
> WorldMap(!?). Does this mean that it's best to leave the editor
> stuff alone for the time being, even though it is part of the next
> planned release?

The worldMap (the thing with the 'Vulcano Island' thing,
src/worldmap/) has nothing to do with the editor and is basically
completly seperate from the game engine.

JabberID: address@hidden 
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