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Re: One request and one idea

From: Jonas Bähr
Subject: Re: One request and one idea
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 00:13:45 +0200

David schrieb am 24.09.03 23:32:20:
> Am Mit, 2003-09-24 um 18.15 schrieb Jonas Bähr:
> > First the request: It would be great to have the fast-forward (Hotkey 'f') 
> > available in the worldmap (the Overview of the levels, "Toutorial Island") 
> > because it takes quite a long time to get from on end of the island to the 
> > other... (tested with the unofficial 0.6.0 for win32 which was recently 
> > posted on this mailing-list)
> Why is that a problem for you? I don't see the need to walk large
> distances on the world map very often.
Well, the worldmap is like a nice list of all levels in the world. If you only 
want to get to the next level, it's ok the way it is, but If you want to redo a 
specific Level (->record, see below) it's like an intro that you can't skip. 
You want to to this level and not wait till the Pingu has reached it. Imagine 
sitting in front of your browser and cout to ten each time before you click on 
a link.
I would even go a step further: Not only FastForward ('f') but also direct 
start the level by double-clicking on it.

The record thing: Could you save for each level you've done a kind of Highscore 
"27/30 Pingus saved by Jonas on 12-8-2003", shown under the discription on the 

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