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Re: [no-member] Comments about the game

From: Josiah Ritchie
Subject: Re: [no-member] Comments about the game
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 13:11:20 -0500

What about setting up a MIME type like the testing level website has and then
browsing them with a browser in that folder. Then it's point and click. There's
probably more to this than I know, but seems, from my lack of knowledge, doable.

Does anyone know how this should be done?


David Philippi scripted ::

>Am Di, den 09.12.2003 schrieb Robert Zaleski um 23:24:
>> Anyways, the open menus in the leve editor was kinda atrocious.  The
>> command line scared my wife, and not having bash scared me, hehe.  I
>> don't know if there's another way of opening levels, say from the main
>> menu, but I missed it.  I was mainly wondering, how many of you are 
>The only other way is to call pingus with a level file as parameter.
>There are many levels in /playable, most of which deserve to be in a
>directory named thus. ;-)
>State of the level editor is: Ingo considers the interface to be well
>enough, so it's only planned to fix the bugs so far. If you submit an
>implementation for a better one, that position is likely to be
>reconsidered. As a step in between you (or someone else) could submit a
>(detailed) design proposal. If it's appealing enough, I or someone else
>may implement it.
>> doing devel, and do you have plans to do this or need help.  I'm
>> always doing like 20 other things, but I really need to help some
>> projects out sooner or later and I wouldn't mind doing this one.
>Do you know an Open Source project that doesn't need help? If you want
>to design levels - go ahead. Right now the development of Pingus is
>running quite low (noone seems to have much time right now, that's why
>it took so long until you got an answer) but I've got the mails of the
>list archived and I'm sure to look into pending patches (hi Gervase) and
>such when I get more spare time again.
>If you look at the homepage (Development section) you can see a list of
>planned worlds. The next one should be Volcano/Hellmouth so if you'd
>design levels which fit into that theme and which are easy enough for
>the second world of the game, chances to see them in the next official
>release as part of the regular game are high. If you design anything
>else that's working, it's quite sure to end up in the /playable section
>of the next release and maybe become part of a world later (if it fits).
>Bye David
>Pingus-Devel mailing list

System Administrator
Washington Bible College/Capital Bible Seminary

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