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Re: [Pingus-Devel] Newer Pingus version

From: Jason Green
Subject: Re: [Pingus-Devel] Newer Pingus version
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 20:33:57 -0400

On 9/5/06, David Philippi <address@hidden> wrote:
Am Dienstag 05 September 2006 22:59 schrieb Aggro:
> But I'm not an admin or even listed developer for this
> project, so all I can do is make suggestions.

You should rather apply for a more involved position if you intend to work on
it. I don't know of anyone else working on it currently...

I was working on the editor for a while then got sidetracked on other
projects.  Now, I'm working 70+ hours/week, so I don't have any time
to devote to it.  There's been a lot done on the editor, but in
hindsight, I don't know if I really like the way some of it is laid
out.  It's well commented code at least, so it shouldn't be too hard
for someone to pick up and continue or just scrap entirely.

It's a nice little game, I hope someone continues on with it, but that
someone probably won't be me for quite some time at least.


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