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Fwd: pspp package FTBFS on armhf

From: Friedrich Beckmann
Subject: Fwd: pspp package FTBFS on armhf
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 11:42:57 +0200

Hi Ben,

pspp 0.8.3-1 builds on all architectures except armhf. I would like to look at the build on armhf but for that
I need access to an armhf build machine. I tried this alone, but I think I need your help as a sponsor. Here is a link
with the access methods to arm build machines:

My key is not signed by debian developers, so maybe this is already a problem that will make it impossible to have
that access - just to say it upfront...

I had send the following email to address@hidden

I am the maintainer of the pspp package and there is build problem on armhf for version 0.8.3-1. 

I need access to an armhf machine to look at the problem. Here is my information:

Name: Friedrich Beckmann
Preferred username: fritz
Key Fingerprint: 1A9F 9365 EF7F 1142 6275 26B1 CC79 D80A 5BB7 FC51

Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:

Von: peter green <address@hidden>
Betreff: Aw: pspp package FTBFS on armhf
Datum: 15. August 2014 09:37:17 MESZ
An: Friedrich Beckmann <address@hidden>
Kopie: ARM <address@hidden>

Friedrich Beckmann wrote:
Hi Peter,

thanks for your response. I had send the following email to „address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>“ to get access to an armhf
machine. Is this the way to get access to an armhf porterbox?
If you are already a DM or already in the NM process then you are supposed to route rare supposed to route your request through the nm frontdesk.

If you are not a DM and are not yet in the NM process your request needs to be advocated by a debian developer who you have worked with. Your sponsor would probablly be the most obvious choice.

Either way the mail you posted at the end of this one is not sufficient.

See for full details of the information you need to provide and how to provide it.

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