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Re: using results of pspp, error report

From: Gene Shackman
Subject: Re: using results of pspp, error report
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 10:40:16 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for your response.  Maybe it's something about windows vista.  I used windows explorer and didn't see psppire.txt on the desktop.  Also couldn't find it in the directory where the data was, and I looked in a bunch of directories where pspp was installed and couldn't find it.

Maybe there is something about how to end the program?  I just x the results window and the program file. Or something in a set up option?

I also searched my hard drive, and if I did it right, I couldn't find psppire.txt.

Any suggestions appreciated!


--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Michel Boaventura <address@hidden> wrote:

Hello Gene,

About the psppire.txt, on windows you will find it where you run pspp. If you run it from the desktop shortcut, it will appear on desktop. This isn't the best solution, but works nice.

Best regards,


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