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Re: [Qemu-block] [PATCH v1 00/15] Convert QCow[2] to QCryptoBlock & add

From: Max Reitz
Subject: Re: [Qemu-block] [PATCH v1 00/15] Convert QCow[2] to QCryptoBlock & add LUKS support
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 16:58:32 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.6.0

On 03.01.2017 19:27, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> This series is a continuation of previous work to support LUKS in
> QEMU. The existing merged code supports LUKS as a standalone
> driver which can be layered over/under any other QEMU block device
> driver. This works well when using LUKS over protocol drivers (file,
> rbd, iscsi, etc, etc), but has some downsides when combined with
> format drivers like qcow2.

When trying out whether compressed images are actually encrypted (which
they are not, as I wrote in my last reply to patch 12), I noticed that
the user interface still has some flaws:

One is that you actually can't convert to encrypted images any more, or
if you can, it doesn't seem obvious to me:

$ ./qemu-img convert -O qcow2 --object secret,id=sec0,data=12345 \
    -o encryption-format=luks,luks-key-secret=sec0 \
    foo.qcow2 bar.qcow2
qemu-img: Could not open 'bar.qcow2': Parameter 'key-secret' is required
for cipher

The issue is that you have to specify the key secret as a runtime
parameter in addition to the creation option. Not only is that a bit
cumbersome, but it's also impossible because --image-opts doesn't work
for the output image.

The second flaw is also visible above: The parameter is called
"luks-key-secret" here, not just "key-secret". The error message should
reflect that.


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