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[Qemu-devel] Interesting qemu crash

From: Jason Brittain
Subject: [Qemu-devel] Interesting qemu crash
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 14:26:14 -0700

I don't know how helpful this will be, but I figured I'd mail it in anyway..

I run qemu repeatedly to test install Linux ISOs.  Just this one time today, it
gave me this text and exited near the end of the anaconda installation of the
guest (Linux):

qemu: fatal: Trying to execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0x000a01de

EAX=0000904c EBX=0000007f ECX=00155973 EDX=000000b3
ESI=0000004c EDI=0000ffde EBP=00000000 ESP=00008ffe
EIP=0000ffde EFL=00000002 [-------]    CPL=0 II=0 A20=1
ES =9000 00090000 0000ffff 00000000
CS =9020 00090200 0000ffff 00000000
SS =9000 00090000 0000ffff 00000000
DS =9000 00090000 0000ffff 00000000
FS =9000 00090000 0000ffff 00000000
GS =9000 00090000 0000ffff 00000000
LDT=0000 00000000 0000ffff 00008000
TR =0000 00000000 0000ffff 00008000
GDT=     00000000 0000ffff
IDT=     00000000 0000ffff
CR0=60000010 CR2=00000000 CR3=00000000 CR4=00000000
CCS=00000000 CCD=0000904c CCO=LOGICB
ST0=-27129.000000 ST1=0.000000 ST2=0.000000 ST3=0.000000
ST4=0.000000 ST5=0.000000 ST6=0.000000 ST7=0.000000


It just did this once.. but I've installed lots of times and have
never seen this

Qemu version: "0.7.0", using kqemu.  I pulled it from CVS and built it.
Host: Fedora Core 2 Linux
Guest: A RedHat 9-ish custom distro with a 2.6 kernel.

I can't investigate it further, but thought I should send the info.

Cheers, and thanks again!

Jason Brittain

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