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[Qemu-devel] [PATCH] VLAN socket support for win32

From: Kazu
Subject: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] VLAN socket support for win32
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 13:29:37 +0900


This is a patch to support -net socket,listen ,-net socket,connect  and -net
socket,mcast for Win32.
I used select instead of poll. I set blank space to see disconnecting the
Out of band data is not cared.
I added listen socket to VLANClient to close socket.
Allocated memories are freed when the program finishes. It seems that they
are not freed on Linux host.
Opened sockets are closed when program finishes. It seems that it is
not closed on Linux host.

Here is a patch and binary I used.

I took three experiment. Here is a report I made. ping, telnet, ssh and lynx
are used as client.  I made two copies of Redhat hard disk image and start
them at different terminals.
ne2k-pci kernel module is loaded so that I can see network interface by
ifconfig -a.

Overall notices are:
It is necessary to set macaddr at the second OS.
IP address or localhost is necesary to set listen or connect. Otherwise it
is set to
Don't start two QEMU using one hard disk image. It will break your hard disk

CASE 1: Guest-only network

Command line options are:
term1$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat1.img -net nic
                 -net socket,listen=localhost:1234
term2$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat2.img -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:57
                  -net socket,connect=localhost:1234

Setinng on guest OS:
Redhat1 guest>ifconfig eth0

Redhat2 guest>ifconfig eth0

ping works between two guests.
telnet, ssh work fine between them..

CASE2: One guest using user-mode net, listening socket at the different VLAN
bus and the other connecting to the one

Command line options are:
term1$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat1.img -net nic,vlan=1 -net user,vlan=1
                 -net nic,vlan=2,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:57
                 -net socket,vlan=2,listen=localhost:1234
term2$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat2.img
                  -net nic,vlan=2,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:01
                  -net socket,vlan=2,connect=localhost:1234

Setting on guest OS:
Redhat1 guest> dhcpcd eth0
  (or dhclinet eth0. If eth0 has been already configured, it is not
necessary to do this.)
  (eth0 will get or
Redhat1 guest> ifconfig eth1

The second guest OS does not have DHCP server  so that it is necessary to
set IP address.
Redhat2 guest> ifconfig eth0
Redhat2 guest> route add default gw eth0

telnet and ssh works between guests.
lynx works on Redhat1.
It is necessary to set Redhat1 as a router to browse the Internet from

VLAN ID is NOT necessary the same between guests. Port number (in this case
1234) determines which bus is used.

CASE3: One guest using user-mode net and listening socket in the same
VLAN bus and the other guest is connecting to the one

It doesn't work well but for your infomation.

Command line options are:
term1$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat1.img -net nic -net user
                 -net socket,listen=localhost:1234
term2$ qemu -L ./pc-bios -hda redhat2.img -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:01
                 -net socket,connect=localhost:1234

Setting on guest OS:
Redhat1 guest> dhcpcd eth0
(Or dhclient eth0)

The second guest OS gets IP address from DHCP server but it is the same IP
as the first OS's IP. It is necessary to set it manually.
Redhat2 guest> ifconfig eth0
Redhat2 guest> route add default gw eth0

telnet sometimes works but sometimes refuse to connect. When telnetd is
working on connected guest, it can be success.

When ssh is used, RSA key is saved at the first time but failed with this
Write failed: Connection reset by peer.
After second time, it failed with this message.
ssh_exchange_identification:  read: Connection Reset by peer.

I can browse the Internet from both Redhat1 and Redhat2.

This case does not work well.
It is not necessary to set Redhat1 as router to browse the Internet from

It is good if case 3 works well, but it has a problem.
These results are the same as on Linux host.

For more information.


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