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[Qemu-devel] RFC: cleanups in ELF loader

From: J. Mayer
Subject: [Qemu-devel] RFC: cleanups in ELF loader
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 03:39:15 +0200

Following what I've done in the syscalls emulation routines, it appeared
to me that there seems to be a lot of confusions between host and target
long in the ELF loader.
I tried to fix this. I also noticed that the image infos start_data
field was not computed as the Linux kernel does. As the ARM and the
Alpha targets use this information to initialize the program state
before execution, it seems a good idea (to me !) to fix it.
As this patch can have an impact on all user-mode emulated targets, I'd
be glad to have some comments about it to figure if it seems safe to be
commited or if some rework will be needed.

Thanks by advance.

J. Mayer <address@hidden>
Never organized

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