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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] set vidmode in linux kernel header when boot x8

From: Anthony Liguori
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] set vidmode in linux kernel header when boot x86 using qemu bootloader
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 08:29:41 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090409)

Hi Joy,

joy zhao wrote:
I made a patch to have qemu parse vga field in kernel command line and set the vid_mode field of real-mode kernel header. This patch is necessary because vga is one of the special command line options that should be parsed in bootloader, as in linux kernel Documentation/x86/i386/boot.txt. After bootloader write the passed vga value into the vid_mode field of linux real-mode kernel header, this vid_mode will be handled by linux/x86/boot/video.c in linux kernel to select vesa graphics mode, and only in this mode can vesafb be registered(in vesafb_probe()). So, if we decide to launch linux directly from qemu command line as "qemu -kernel ... -initrd... -append "..." ", (use qemu bootloader) and use vesafb as framebuffer driver, this patch to qemu is required, otherwise, the screen should just blank since the vesafb fails to register itself.

Need a Signed-off-by: to apply this.

diff --git a/qemu/hw/pc.c b/qemu-new/hw/pc.c
index 66cc780..5615db8 100644
--- a/qemu/hw/pc.c
+++ b/qemu-new/hw/pc.c
@@ -593,6 +593,77 @@ static long get_file_size(FILE *f)
     return size;
+static uint16_t hato16i(char *hex)
+ uint16_t integer = 0;
+ if(hex[1] == 'x')
+    hex += 2;
+    while(*hex != '\0'){
+  integer = (integer<<4);
+  if(*hex >= 0x30 && *hex <= 0x39){ /*0~9*/
+   integer += *hex - 0x30;
+  }else if(*hex >= 0x61 && *hex <= 0x66){ /*a~f*/
+   integer += *hex - 0x61 + 0xa;
+  }else if(*hex >= 0x41 && *hex <= 0x46){ /*A~F*/
+   integer += *hex - 0x41 + 0xa;
+  }else
+   break;
+  hex++;
+ } + return integer;

Make sure you format according to CodingStyle. Also, this function isn't needed as strtoul(hex, NULL, 16) provides the same functionality.

+static uint16_t ato16i(char *dec)
+ uint16_t integer = 0;
+    while(*dec != '\0'){
+  integer *= 10;
+  if(*dec >= 0x30 && *dec <= 0x39){ /*0~9*/
+   integer += *dec - 0x30;
+  }else
+   break;
+  dec++;
+ } + return integer;
+static int get_vga_mode(const char* kernel_cmdline, uint16_t *vga_mode)
+ char mode[6];
+ int i = 0;
+ char *p = strstr(kernel_cmdline, "vga=");
+ if(p == NULL)
+  return 1;
+ p += 4;
+ while(*p != ' ' && *p != '\0' && i < 6) {
+  mode[i] = *p;
+  i++;
+ p++; + }
+ if(!strncmp(mode, "ask", 3)){
+  *vga_mode = 0xfffd;
+ }else if(!strncmp(mode, "normal",6)){
+  *vga_mode = 0xffff;
+ }else if(!strncmp(mode, "ext", 3)){
+  *vga_mode = 0xfffe;
+ }else if(!strncmp(mode, "0x", 2)){//in hexdecimal
+  *vga_mode = hato16i(mode);
+ }else //in decimal
+  *vga_mode = ato16i(mode);

strtoul(mode, NULL, 0) will cover both hex and decimal. You can check the value afterword to enforce u16 if you really want to.


Anthony Liguori

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