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Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC PATCH 1/1] ceph/rbd block driver for qemu-kvm

From: Avi Kivity
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC PATCH 1/1] ceph/rbd block driver for qemu-kvm
Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 14:56:29 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100330 Fedora/3.0.4-1.fc12 Thunderbird/3.0.4

On 05/24/2010 02:42 PM, MORITA Kazutaka wrote:

The server would be local and talk over a unix domain socket, perhaps

nbd has other issues though, such as requiring a copy and no support for
metadata operations such as snapshot and file size extension.

Sorry, my explanation was unclear.  I'm not sure how running servers
on localhost can solve the problem.

The local server can convert from the local (nbd) protocol to the remote (sheepdog, ceph) protocol.

What I wanted to say was that we cannot specify the image of VM. With
nbd protocol, command line arguments are as follows:

  $ qemu nbd:hostname:port

As this syntax shows, with nbd protocol the client cannot pass the VM
image name to the server.

We would extend it to allow it to connect to a unix domain socket:

  qemu nbd:unix:/path/to/socket

The server at the other end would associate the socket with a filename and forward it to the server using the remote protocol.

However, I don't think nbd would be a good protocol. My preference would be for a plugin API, or for a new local protocol that uses splice() to avoid copies.

Do not meddle in the internals of kernels, for they are subtle and quick to 

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