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[Qemu-devel] [PATCH 25/28] qidl: add C parser (based on QC parser)

From: Michael Roth
Subject: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 25/28] qidl: add C parser (based on QC parser)
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 17:36:09 -0500

This introduces the QIDL parser to process QIDL annotations in C files.
This code is mostly a straight import from qc.git, with some reworking
to handle the declaration/annotation format and lexer we're using for

Reviewed-by: Paolo Bonzini <address@hidden>
Signed-off-by: Michael Roth <address@hidden>
 scripts/qidl_parser.py |  426 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 426 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 scripts/qidl_parser.py

diff --git a/scripts/qidl_parser.py b/scripts/qidl_parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfadb72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/qidl_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+# QEMU IDL Parser
+# Copyright IBM, Corp. 2012
+# Authors:
+#  Anthony Liguori <address@hidden>
+#  Michael Roth    <address@hidden>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 or later.
+# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+import sys, json
+from lexer import Input, CLexer
+def process_annotation(node, params, set_use_default_tag=False):
+    annotation_group = params[0]
+    if annotation_group == 'serialize':
+        annotation_type = params[1]
+        if annotation_type not in ['size_is', 'string'] and 
+            node['use_default_tag'] = False
+        if annotation_type == 'derived':
+            node['is_derived'] = True
+        elif annotation_type == 'immutable':
+            node['is_immutable'] = True
+        elif annotation_type == 'elsewhere':
+            node['is_elsewhere'] = True
+        elif annotation_type == 'broken':
+            node['is_broken'] = True
+        elif annotation_type == 'size_is':
+            node['is_array'] = True
+            expression = params[2]
+            if expression.isdigit():
+                expression = int(expression)
+            node['array_size'] = expression
+        elif annotation_type == 'string':
+            if node['type'] != 'char':
+                raise Exception("expected char[] for q_string, got %s"
+                                % node['type'])
+            node['is_string'] = True
+        elif annotation_type == 'optional':
+            node['is_optional'] = True
+    elif annotation_group == 'property':
+        node['is_property'] = True
+        if node.has_key('property_fields'):
+            node['property_fields'].append(params[1:])
+        else:
+            node['property_fields'] = [params[1:]]
+    return node
+def parse_annotations(l, node):
+    while l.check_token('symbol', 'QIDL'):
+        params = []
+        l.pop()
+        l.pop_expected('operator', '(')
+        open_parens = 1
+        param = ""
+        while open_parens:
+            if l.check_token('operator', ','):
+                params.append(param)
+                param = ""
+                l.pop()
+                continue
+            if l.check_token('operator', '('):
+                open_parens += 1
+            elif l.check_token('operator', ')'):
+                open_parens -= 1
+            if open_parens > 0:
+                param += l.peek()
+            l.pop()
+        if param != "":
+            params.append(param)
+        try:
+            node = process_annotation(node, params)
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise Exception("%s: %s" % (l, str(e)))
+    return node
+def parse_modifiers(l, node):
+    modifiers = ['const', 'volatile']
+    while True:
+        if l.peek_type() in modifiers:
+            if l.check_token('const', 'const'):
+                node['is_const'] = True
+            l.pop()
+        else:
+            break
+def parse_type(l):
+    node = {}
+    node['use_default_tag'] = True
+    unsigned_types = ['char', 'short', 'int', 'long']
+    type_complete = False
+    typename = ''
+    parse_modifiers(l, node)
+    if l.check_token('struct', 'struct') or l.check_token('union', 'union'):
+        if l.check_token('union', 'union'):
+            node['is_union'] = True
+        typename += l.pop() + ' '
+        if not l.check_token('operator', '{'):
+            typename += l.pop_expected('symbol')
+            type_complete = True
+    if l.check_token('union', 'union'):
+        typename += l.pop() + ' '
+        if not l.check_token('operator', '{'):
+            typename += l.pop_expected('symbol')
+            type_complete = True
+    if l.check_token('unsigned', 'unsigned'):
+        typename += l.pop()
+        if filter(lambda t: l.check_token('symbol', t), unsigned_types):
+            typename += ' '
+        else:
+            typename += ' int'
+            type_complete = True
+    if l.check_token('enum', 'enum'):
+        typename += l.pop() + ' '
+    # we don't currently handle embedded struct/union declarations, skip them
+    # for now
+    if l.check_token('operator', '{'):
+        open_braces = 1
+        while open_braces:
+            l.pop()
+            if l.check_token('operator', '{'):
+                open_braces += 1
+            elif l.check_token('operator', '}'):
+                open_braces -= 1
+        l.pop()
+        typename += "<anon>"
+        node['is_nested_decl'] = True
+    else:
+        if l.check_token('operator', '*'):
+            l.pop()
+            node['is_pointer'] = True
+        elif type_complete == False:
+            typename += l.pop_expected('symbol')
+    node['type'] = typename
+    node = parse_annotations(l, node)
+    if l.check_token('operator', '*'):
+        l.pop()
+        node['is_pointer'] = True
+    return node
+def parse_var_decl(l, repeating_type=None):
+    if repeating_type == None:
+        node = parse_type(l)
+    else:
+        node = { 'type': repeating_type }
+        node['use_default_tag'] = True
+    if l.check_token('operator', '('):
+        node['is_function'] = True
+        l.pop()
+        l.pop_expected('operator', '*')
+        variable = l.pop_expected('symbol')
+        l.pop_expected('operator', ')')
+        # skip the param list since we don't use it currently
+        l.pop_expected('operator', '(')
+        open_parens = 1
+        while open_parens:
+            if l.check_token('operator', '('):
+                open_parens += 1
+            elif l.check_token('operator', ')'):
+                open_parens -= 1
+            l.pop()
+    elif l.check_token('operator', ';'):
+        if node.has_key('is_union') and node['is_union']:
+            variable = None
+        else:
+            raise Exception("%s: unnamed, non-union struct member" % l)
+    elif l.check_token('operator', '*'):
+        node['is_pointer'] = True
+        l.pop()
+        while l.check_token('operator', '*'):
+            if node.has_key('pointer_nesting'):
+                node['pointer_nesting'] += 1
+            else:
+                node['pointer_nested'] = 1
+            l.pop()
+        variable = l.pop_expected('symbol')
+    else:
+        variable = l.pop_expected('symbol')
+    node['variable'] = variable
+    dim_expressions = []
+    is_array = False
+    while l.check_token('operator', '['):
+        is_array = True
+        l.pop()
+        dim_expression = ''
+        while not l.check_token('operator', ']'):
+            dim_expression += l.pop()
+        l.pop_expected('operator', ']')
+        dim_expressions.append(dim_expression)
+    if is_array:
+        if not node.has_key('is_array'):
+            node['is_array'] = True
+            for i in range(0, len(dim_expressions)):
+                if dim_expressions[i].isdigit():
+                    dim_expressions[i] = int(dim_expressions[i])
+            if len(dim_expressions) == 1:
+                node['array_size'] = dim_expressions[0]
+            else:
+                node['array_size'] = dim_expressions
+        else:
+            for i in range(0, len(dim_expressions)):
+                if dim_expressions[i].isdigit():
+                    dim_expressions[i] = int(dim_expressions[i])
+            if len(dim_expressions) == 1:
+                node['array_capacity'] = dim_expressions[0]
+            else:
+                node['array_capacity'] = dim_expressions
+    node = parse_annotations(l, node)
+    return node
+def parse_struct(l):
+    l.pop_expected('struct', 'struct')
+    name = None
+    if l.check_token('symbol'):
+        name = l.pop()
+    l.pop_expected('operator', '{')
+    nodes = []
+    while not l.check_token('operator', '}'):
+        node = parse_var_decl(l)
+        nodes.append(node)
+        while l.check_token('operator', ','):
+            l.pop()
+            node = parse_var_decl(l, node['type'])
+            nodes.append(node)
+        l.pop_expected('operator', ';')
+    l.pop()
+    return { 'struct': name, 'fields': nodes }
+def parse_typedef(l):
+    l.pop_expected('typedef', 'typedef')
+    node = parse_struct(l)
+    typename = l.pop_expected('symbol')
+    return { 'typedef': typename, 'type': node }
+def get_default_tag(params):
+    default_tag = "standard"
+    try:
+        index = params.index('serialize')
+        default_tag = params[index + 1]
+    except Exception:
+        pass
+    finally:
+        return default_tag
+def parse_params(l):
+    params = []
+    parens = 0
+    while not l.eof():
+        if l.check_token('operator', '('):
+            parens += 1
+        elif l.check_token('operator', ')'):
+            parens -= 1
+            if parens == 0:
+                break
+        elif parens > 0:
+            if not l.check_token('operator', ','):
+                params.append(l.peek())
+        l.pop()
+    l.pop_expected('operator', ')')
+    if parens != 0:
+        raise Exception("%s: unmatched parenthesis in QIDL macro" % l)
+    return params
+def parse_immutable_types(l):
+    params = parse_params(l)
+    return list(params)
+def parse_declaration_params(l):
+    declaration_info = {}
+    params = None
+    arg_string = ""
+    implement = True
+    is_public = False
+    if l.check_token('symbol', 'QIDL_START_IMPLEMENTATION'):
+        l.pop()
+    elif l.check_token('symbol', 'QIDL_START_PUBLIC'):
+        implement = False
+        is_public = True
+        l.pop()
+    else:
+        l.pop_expected('symbol', 'QIDL_START')
+    params = parse_params(l)
+    declaration_info['id'] = params[0]
+    declaration_info['do_state'] = True
+    declaration_info['do_properties'] = True
+    declaration_info['implement'] = implement
+    declaration_info['public'] = is_public
+    if "skip_state" in params:
+        declaration_info['do_state'] = False
+    if "skip_properties" in params:
+        declaration_info['do_properties'] = False
+    declaration_info['default_tag'] = get_default_tag(params)
+    return declaration_info
+def immutable_by_default(field):
+    immutable = False
+    if field.has_key('is_const') and field['is_const']:
+        immutable = True
+    elif field.has_key('is_function') and field['is_function']:
+        immutable = True
+    return immutable
+def parse_declaration(l):
+    declaration_info = parse_declaration_params(l)
+    if l.check_token('typedef'):
+        node = parse_typedef(l)
+    elif l.check_token('struct'):
+        node = parse_struct(l)
+    else:
+        raise Exception("%s: unsupported QIDL declaration" % l)
+    default_tag = declaration_info['default_tag']
+    for field in node['fields']:
+        if field['use_default_tag'] == True:
+            try:
+                if immutable_by_default(field):
+                    process_annotation(field, ['serialize', 'immutable'], 
+                else:
+                    process_annotation(field, ['serialize', default_tag], 
+            except Exception as e:
+                raise Exception("%s: %s" % (l, str(e)))
+    l.pop_expected('operator', ';')
+    node['id'] = declaration_info['id']
+    node['do_state'] = declaration_info['do_state']
+    node['do_properties'] = declaration_info['do_properties']
+    node['implement'] = declaration_info['implement']
+    node['public'] = declaration_info['public']
+    return node
+def find_node(nodes, name):
+    for node in nodes:
+        if node['id'] == name:
+            return node
+    return None
+# For any fields which have not been explicitly marked otherwise,
+# mark them immutable if they're in QIDL_IMMUTABLE_TYPES()
+def process_immutable_list(nodes, immutable_types):
+    for node in nodes:
+        typename = None
+        fields = []
+        if node.has_key('typedef'):
+            typename = node['typedef']
+            fields = node['type']['fields']
+        elif node.has_key('struct'):
+            typename = node['struct']
+            fields = node['fields']
+        else:
+            raise Exception("top-level neither typedef nor struct")
+        for field in fields:
+            if field.has_key('use_default_tag') and field['use_default_tag']:
+                if field['type'] in immutable_types:
+                    field['is_immutable'] = True
+def parse_file(f):
+    nodes = []
+    filtered_tokens = ['whitespace', 'comment', 'directive']
+    immutable_types = []
+    l = CLexer(Input(f), filtered_tokens)
+    while not l.eof():
+        line = l.peek_line()
+        if line.startswith("QIDL_START_IMPLEMENTATION("):
+            info = parse_declaration_params(l)
+            node = find_node(nodes, info['id'])
+            node['implement'] = info['implement']
+            node['do_state'] = info['do_state']
+            node['do_properties'] = info['do_properties']
+        elif line.startswith("QIDL_START"):
+            node = parse_declaration(l)
+            nodes.append(node)
+        elif line.startswith("QIDL_IMMUTABLE_TYPES("):
+            immutable_types = parse_immutable_types(l)
+        else:
+            l.pop_line()
+    process_immutable_list(nodes, immutable_types)
+    return nodes
+def main():
+    nodes, immutable_types = parse_file(sys.stdin)
+    print json.dumps(nodes, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

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