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[Qemu-devel] [question] updating the base image for all clones which hav

From: Zhang Haoyu
Subject: [Qemu-devel] [question] updating the base image for all clones which have been running for months
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 20:04:14 +0800

Hi, all

I used base image A to clone so many vm, 
after running for months, each vm has its own private applications and data,
which maybe different from each other.
Now, I want to install some applications for all of the clones,
what should I do?

Can I rebase image A to B which have the applications to be installed,
then change the base image to B for all clones?
I don't think it can work, the clone images maybe corrupted latter.
If the clone image's space is not enough, what will happen?
Any ideas?

My bad idea is to push the applications from center to each clone's guest-agent,
which is responsible to install the applications.

Zhang Haoyu

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