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[QSOS-general] QSOS tarball for Spanish translation

From: Gonéri Le Bouder
Subject: [QSOS-general] QSOS tarball for Spanish translation
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 13:52:08 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.1

Hi Juan Carlos,

Again, thank you for your interesse :).
I did a tarball of the latex document that you can download here: 

The files to translate are in lang/es/.
In images/es/, you've to create .png file based on .svg one from the images/ 
For that use Inkskape[1], a vectoral editor.

I you want to build the result you'll get error on \includegraphics. That's 
because Latex look for eps files instead of png. Just create them with 

Make generate required files for you. Just type :
cd /somewhere/qsos-1.5
make dvi-es

It'll create a qsos-1.5-es.dvi in this folder.

I you've problem getting your installation working proper, join me on Jabber 

Since we use a CVS repository you can send not total translated file. Maybe 
another could be interest by the translation and we'll be able  to see by 
browsing the web CV[2] what you're doing. I can create a CVS access for you 
if you want.

I Cc: this mail to address@hidden, if you're interested, fell free to 
join use [3].



[1]: http://www.inkscape.org
[2]: http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewcvs/qsos/qsos/
[3]: http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/qsos-general

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