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Re: [qvm86-devel] kqemu 1.3.0 compatibility and small bugfix

From: Paul Brook
Subject: Re: [qvm86-devel] kqemu 1.3.0 compatibility and small bugfix
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 16:16:02 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.9.1

> I don't like the idea that a bug in qvm86 could theoretically freeze/panic
> my entire system, and don't plan to use it (nor kqemu), until that somehow
> changes... Keeping the kernel changes minimal (eg, exporting stuff to
> userland) reduces the code a dangerous bug can possibly occur in.

A virtualization module (like qvm86) by design runs guest code natively on the 
CPU. This requires privileged access to the CPU, and full control over all 
the CPU/MMU state.

It doesn't make any difference whether the code to setup these structures is 
run in kernel space or userspace. They're both equally unsafe. Any bugs are 
likely to crash the whole machine.

If you don't like this risk then the solution is simple: don't use qvm86 (or 
kqemu, or any other virtualization software).


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