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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Missing files after rdiff-backup

From: Ben Escoto
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Missing files after rdiff-backup
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 02:15:47 -0700

>>>>> "WM" == Wolfe Maykut <address@hidden>
>>>>> wrote the following on Mon, 4 Aug 2003 17:14:01 -0700

  WM>   So, I've tried to run rdiff-backup again.  This time it
  WM> errored out, mentioning that:

  WM> Warning, metadata file has entry for
  WM> acedump/2003-06-09-02:00/current_auth, but there are no
  WM> associated files.  [lots of these]

  WM>   Finally it tracebacks and dumps without running.  [traceback
  WM> below].

  WM>   My questions:

  WM> 1) Why do some files have metadata but were not copied?

If I remember correctly, for some reason rdiff-backup failed to copy
some files from the previous session.  The complaints about metadata
are for these missing files.

  WM> 2) How can I get rdiff-backup to run again?

The traceback you gave looks like it was from a session that was run
after the previous one failed.  How did that one fail?  I can't tell
much what is happening.  It is possible to take it at face value -
maybe a gzip CRC check failed, but that seems unlikely, or caused by a
previous problem.

  WM> 3) (unrelated) I have a host of these errors when I run:

  WM> UpdateError
  WM> analysis/mathmod/intdata/R/paramecium/lme/weight/weight.r File
  WM> changed from regular file before signature

  WM> ...even though the timestamp on this file hasn't changed since a
  WM> week before rdiff-backup was run.

Not sure.  Are these errors from the second session that failed?  How
did it fail?

Ben Escoto

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