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Re: [Rule-list] breaking the applist out of slinky boot disk

From: Devon
Subject: Re: [Rule-list] breaking the applist out of slinky boot disk
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 22:25:56 -0500

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 18 March 2002 09:35 am, address@hidden wrote:
> Devon,
> I like the way you break the lists of rpms down by functions allowing
> users to choose laptop support, network support, etc.

It's actually very similar to the redhat comps file. I just broke it into 
individual lists, rather than parsing a single file for options.

> These lists, laptop_packages, network_packages, etc. could reside
> in their own .gz and be extracted when rpm.gz is extracted. This
> would take them out of the 1.44 meg boot disk constraint equation.

They could, and I have no real objection to doing so. It doesn't save 
much space on the boot disk, but any space saved is better than nothing, 
I suppose. The total size for all the _package files is only about 1.4k. 
There is no problem moving them, though and it does make sense. So, look 
for that change in v0.1.6

> More importantly it breaks the app list out of the installer testing
> not requiring a new version of the installer for every app list to be
> tested. It will make it much easier for testers to vary the app list
> while we are testing which packages run well under rule with 8 meg, 16
> meg, etc.

Also true, and a good reason for moving them. Remember though, you have 
access to a shell. Nothing currently prevents you from putting new files 
on a floppy, and copying them into place before beginning the install.

- -D

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