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Re: [Rule-list] new entry w/suggestions

From: Marco Fioretti
Subject: Re: [Rule-list] new entry w/suggestions
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 05:40:07 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i


Welcome on board!

1) As to the logo:

I'll look at the existing bodybuilder tux that you mentioned. Could
you please post complete URLs? I also thought about tux being
squeezed, or coming out of, a very old looking PC, but didn't suggest
it because I wanted to convey the message that RULE is not *only* for
old hardware: 200 MHz CPU, 16 MB of RAM is already, or will be very
soon, also a last generation PDA, for example....

There are also many users which do have more powerful hardware, and will
"do RULE" just because bells, whistles and wasted RAM in general just
upset them.
Anyway, about the logo the best thing we can do is post on the web
site some sketches and then vote. I asked  a friend to fraw my
proposal, as soon as he's back in town will upload it. Any
contribution, on this or any other theme, is obviously welcome.

2) The desktop: in general, you can run any mix of KDE or GNOME
application fromn any window manager. Apart from that, in RULE we will
very probably go for a Window manager, more than for any complete desktop
environment, to speed up the hardware. Please read, and give feedback
on the "window manager" section pointed from:

Other issues:

I'll definitely try to contact Danny Yee, thanks for the link.

I thank you inadvance for any documentation you'll write and any
"helpful mistakes" (I like that definition!) you'll make. We need a
lot of both!

                Marco Fioretti
                RULE project leader
[Crash programs] fail because they are based on the theory that, with
nine women pregnant, you can get a baby a month.
                                                Wernher von Braun

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