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Re: [RULE] On Microsoft core fonts (and building slinky)

From: Ingo Lantschner
Subject: Re: [RULE] On Microsoft core fonts (and building slinky)
Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 19:16:46 +0200

> I've no problem helping anyone who wants to try, but 
> downloading and compiling everything required will take much more time 
> than downloading the iso image.
hmh, for our immediate needs (the projects in Congo and Zambia) this is
not  an issue - these people start with finding the Shift-key on the
keyboard, so we will not explain "compiling"  :-)

For other, more advanced users somewhere in the south or at other places
where bandwidth is low, it is not the time required to compile something
which is the problem but the amount of data, which must must be
downloaded from the net. I remember my last training in
Bamenda/Cameroon: 2.400 Baud is normal speed, 4.800 or 9k6 were the best
we ever could get - so downloading 56 MB are far, far away from their
possibilities (anyhow, Africa is large, there are many cities with much
better connection).
Saying it positive: If such a sample of scripts allows them to use the
hopefully already in place CDs instead of downloading MBs of data, it
may be useful or even mission-critical for them.

On the other hand, if their is nobody who needs this local ISO-building
*now*, and since the time of Michael is limited (as I guess) we can keep
this option for later. And may be we discover in the meantime, that
transferring such ISOs to "2k4-connected-destinations" is more the task
of travellers with a CD in their rucksack. :-) (partly serious joke)

I will come back to the list tomorrow, since I have to walk to the office
to download the new ISO :-)

Thanks in the meantime for your efforts, Ingo.

Ingo Lantschner

        Verein zur Unterstuetzung von Menschen
        Marchettigasse 5/11, A-1060 Wien
        Tel (+43-1) 595 5766
        Fax (+43-1) 532 4041

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