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Re: [RULE] PR or "bringing it on the street" (was Office on fluxbox)

From: M. Fioretti
Subject: Re: [RULE] PR or "bringing it on the street" (was Office on fluxbox)
Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 12:14:44 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Fri, May 02, 2003 08:30:16 at 08:30:16AM +0200, Ingo Lantschner 
(address@hidden) wrote:
> FYI: I am also subscribed to AFLUG, the African Linux Users Group. As
> soon as we have this package for Zambia and Congo finished we should
> annonce it there.

Great. Please let me know right before you announce it, so I can
subscribe for some time to that list, and (help to) answer directly on
any technical RULE question that might come up.

> From: "Victor van Reijswoud" <address@hidden>
> To: <address@hidden>

> In the second project we aim to revive old 386 computers in order to
> distribute them to local schools. Old computers are not, as most of
> the people in the industry think, useless and they are available in
> plenty.  On the basis of the work of the developers of IBM
> (, [we] are trying to
> implement a lightweight Linux version. When successful, a new
> standard distribution for primary and secondary schools can be
> prepared that can be used on donated computers.

If I can say so, this Victor person is really looking for RULE (trying
to do it again) without knowing that it already exists. Do you think
it could help them if I wrote to him directly about RULE? I am asking
because even the freedom of reinventing the very same wheel is
important: if they want to do it their own way (maybe to learn first
hand) no problem from us, we certainly don't want to appear the
condescending, "know-it-all" guys.

> What we generally do during the implementation is that we make at least
> plenty of photos or even films. The media is pretty interested in such
> stuff so we have films on TV or articles in newspapers from time to time
> with no effort from our side. In this context the rule-project should
> hopefully benefit. Of course we offer you any material (photos and films)
> for free, if you ever want it. I can imagine, that a photo taken inside
> of a hut or tent with someone sitting in front of a rule-installed PC is
> a nice thing to have for PR :-) We will do our best to get such
> images.

The more PR, the better, no doubt: anything is beneficial. By "widely
known", however, I was not referring exactly to these things (which
*are* good, and also easy to implement with the right cross links).

I was referring to the technical steps: my concern is that everybody
who, in any way, comes to know about RULE, eventually finds on the web
site everything packaged and as much automated (install-wise) as
possible. In other words, that everything is done taking into account
future, reusable documentation.

Another reason why this is important is to make RULE easier to keep
current: in other words, we want to (arrive to) know exactly the todo
list, so that, when RH 10, 11..... is released, we "just" run a series
of scripts (new scripts, new slinky, some RPM rebuilds...) and voila,
RULE for that version is there! Of course, it never happens like that,
but we should at least try.

                Marco Fioretti

Marco Fioretti                 m.fioretti, at the server
Red Hat for low memory

I doni ricevuti dal Padreterno, servono se utilizzati: chi li contempla
gode, ma chi ne fa uso probabilmente aiuta altri a godere.

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