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[Savannah-users] moving existing project to Savannah, data import and vh

From: Paul Jakma
Subject: [Savannah-users] moving existing project to Savannah, data import and vhosts?
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 15:46:19 +0000 (GMT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.00 (LFD 1167 2008-08-23)


I'm investigating to what extent, if any, we can move services for the Quagga project ( over to Savannah. It looks like git and web should be quite easy. I have some questions that I could not find answers to in the documentation:


- Can we import existing subscriber lists?

- Can we import our list archives?

- Our existing lists are all on a "" vhost, does
  Savannah support mailman vhosts at all? (this would avoid
  disruption to our users)

  - if yes, can Savannah support the HTTP vhost for the archives?
    (either fully, or a HTTP redirect to the domained


- Can Savannah handle mail for project-specific domains? E.g.
  forwarding mail on for a select few mailboxes?


- We use PHP as a limited templating system, but I gather PHP is not
  available. Are there any other templating/CMS facilities available?

- Does Savannah support project DNS domain vhosts? (e.g.

bug tracker:

- Is there any support for bugzilla data import? Anyone done this
  before, any scripts? (If not, we could just continue to run out own
  elsewhere I guess).


Paul Jakma      address@hidden  Key ID: 64A2FF6A
Fortune finishes the great quotations, #3

        Birds of a feather flock to a newly washed car.

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