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Re: Feature to add

From: Russell Harper
Subject: Re: Feature to add
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 08:27:17 -0400

Thank you Assaf for the reply.

Just another note with existing solutions in sed, awk, and perl, they all
seem to break if you want to process matches including $ or & characters.

* currency converter where you want to do a live conversion of USD amounts
like $2000 to Japanese yen
* wget of URLs with & in the path
* assembly language number converter for real hexadecimal $FFFF.FF and
octal &7777.77 to base 10

Basically in all the existing solutions, two levels of quoting are needed
just for regular alphanumerics, and there's no room to process arguments
with $ or &. A sed x flag for substitution would leave one level of quoting
to protect these arguments using single quotes:

"/(\$[0-9]+\(\.[0-9]+\)?)/latest-quote '\\1' JPY/x"



On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 7:44 AM, Assaf Gordon <address@hidden> wrote:

> (adding sed-devel@ mailing list, please use reply-all to keep the thread
> public and archived).
> Hello Russell,
> On 19/07/18 04:18 AM, Russell Harper wrote:
>> I'm not writing specifically about parsing floating point numbers or
>> factoring integers, these are just examples to illustrate. You can
>> substitute anything else instead.
>> What I'm proposing is an x flag for substitutions to indicate that the
>> substitution is obtained by running an executable and inserting its output.
>>      's/<reg-exp>/<executable> <argument>*/x'
>> Some examples:
>>      's/UUID/uuidgen/gx'                # replaces instances of "UUID"
>> with output from uuidgen
>>      's/([0-9]+)/factor \1/gx'          # replaces integers with output
>> from factor <integer>
>>      's~(http://[A-Za-z.]+)~wget \1~x'  # replaces URL with output from
>> wget <URL>
>>      's~([a-z]+)~./pluralize \1~gix'    # custom utility to pluralize
>> words
>> Currently there is no easy and robust way to do this in any of the core
>> utilities.
> Thank you for expanding and explaining on your request.
> This indeed seems like a specialized feature, perhaps a bit out of scope
> for sed. GNU sed does have the "s///e" extension ("e" for "eval"),
> but that runs a shell command on the entire pattern space once,
> and not on every matched group as in your examples.
> However Perl can easily do exactly what you ask for (and in a robust way).
> First,
> Perl's regex substitution also has an "e" flag, but it is more powerful
> than sed's: it calls a perl function on every matched group.
> In the following example, every number (matching the regex /(\d+)/ )
> is transformed using perl's built-in hex() function:
>   $ echo 230 19 FOO 40 BAR 50 | perl -np -e 's/(\d+)/hex($1)/ge'
>   560 25 FOO 64 BAR 80
> (That is: 0x230 is 560 in decimal, 0x19 is 25 in decimal, etc.).
> Similarly,
> we can define our own perl function to do any transformation we'd like.
> The following example increments any matched number by 1:
>   $ echo 230 19 FOO 40 BAR 50 \
>         | perl -np -e 'sub f($) { return $_[0] + 1 ; }' \
>                    -e 's/(\d+)/f($1)/ge'
>   231 20 FOO 41 BAR 51
> Lastly,
> Perl excels at text processing and evaluating external commands,
> so we modify our function to execute "factor" on any matched
> number:
>   $ echo 230 19 FOO 40 BAR 50 \
>         | perl -np -e 'sub f($) { return `factor $_[0]` ; }' \
>                    -e 's/(\d+)/f($1)/ge'
>   230: 2 5 23
>    19: 19
>    FOO 40: 2 2 2 5
>    BAR 50: 2 5 5
> And an example with UUID:
>       | perl -np -e 'sub f($) { $t = `uuidgen` ; chomp $t ; $t }' \
>                  -e 's/(UUID)/f($1)/ge'
>   4a64a434-73b2-47f9-985f-2eff776b981d FOO 
> fc7f3796-cfed-4850-a363-a70edfceee1b
> BAR de65fe02-96fd-436e-ae2b-66127c438702
> Of course,
> when executing things like that on the shell, extra care must be taken
> to ensure malicious input can't cause unintended consequences with shell
> escaping tricks.
> =======
> As for adding a new feature to sed:
> There is always a trade-off between adding more and more specialized
> features to sed, and between using existing solution even if they are
> a bit more verbose (i.e. my perl examples are much longer than the
> hypothetical s///x sed feature).
> I don't think we can/should modify sed's existing s///e flag (that would
> break existing scripts), but we could perhaps consider adding a new
> flag.
> What do others think - is it worth it, or better just stick with perl ?
> (Jim?)
> The semantics of such flag must be carefully defined, e.g.
> what's the interplay with grouping, with global flag, with other flags?
> regards,
>  - assaf

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