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[Simulavr-devel] simple assembler program behaves incorrectly

From: Johannes Deutsch
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] simple assembler program behaves incorrectly
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 18:22:59 +0200


first of all i hope, that my question lies within the realm of validity
of this mailing-list. It's also possible, that simulavr is not the
problem. In this case i would appreciate tips for where to pose this

I just compiled the latest simulavr from the git-repository, to test
some simple programs written in assembler. 

Simulavr in combination with ddd and gdb did a great job for the most
programs. But one simple program behaves incorrectly.

Here's the code of the assembler file:

#include <avr/io.h>

#define test 16

.section .data
.equ k,255
.asciz "Hallo Welt"

.section .bss
.comm buffer, 20

.section .text
.global main

ld test, X

ldi XL, 0x60
ldi XH, 0x00
rcall delay
rjmp main_loop

After i loaded the binary file and connected gdb with simulavr

(gdb) x/20xb &output

yields an empty memory within the defined range.

So the question i pose is, whether the error (that the string is not
located in the SRAM) is produced by simulavr or avr-gcc?

Besides that, maybe sb. who is reading my post can answer me this
question, too: How can i bring the address of the string labeled by
output in the pointer register X? The possibility i have chosen above
isn't very elegant... (lo8(..) and hi8() both give errors)

Kind regards and thanks for your effort

Johannes D.

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