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From: Adam Kujawski
Subject: SMTP AUTH
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 20:32:15 -0500
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.1

I would like to skip the checks performed by spamass-milter for messages that
have been accepted using SMTP AUTH.

My understanding is that a) the proper macro needs to be sent to the milter by
sendmail and b) the milter needs to be told to skip messages based on the passed

I've tried it, and it's not working for me, so I have a few questions I'm hoping
somebody could help me with:

1. Is  ${auth_type} the correct macro to be checking to see if a message was
accepted with SMTP AUTH?

My understanding is that if auth_type is set (not null), then SMTP AUTH has been
used sucessfully.

2. Do I need to add anything to my .mc to send the auth_type macro to
spamass-milter, or is it done by default?

It looks like my's "Milter.macros.envfrom" includes auth_type by
default, so I assume I don't have to set any  confMILTER_MACROS_ENVFROM values
and rebuild my config. Is that correct?

3. What changes need to be made to spamass-milter to automatically pass SMTP
AUTH messages?

I added the following bit of code to the beginning of the mlfi_connect()
function in spamass-milter.cpp and recompiled:

        if (smfi_getsymval (ctx, "{auth_type}") != NULL)
                return SMFIS_ACCEPT;

However... it doesn't seem to be working, as in the messages are still being
spam checked by spamass-milter, regarless of SMTP-AUTH.


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