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[PATCH 1/3] C API - Remove function definitions for functions that do no

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] C API - Remove function definitions for functions that do not exist
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 11:20:30 +0200

>>>>> "LY" == Luke Yelavich <themuso at ubuntu.com> writes:

    LY> In libspeechd.h, there are the following function definitions:
    LY> int spd_set_synthesis_voice(SPDConnection*, const char
    LY> *voice_name);

    LY> However, these functions do not exist in libspeechd.c, so remove
    LY> the definitions.

Luke, please note spd_set_synthesis_voice is documented as an official C
API function in speech-dispatcher.texi.  So it should be removed from
the manual as well or it should be replaced by its actual equivalent in
libspeechd.h and the manual.

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