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Re: heatbug error

From: Perrone Alessandro
Subject: Re: heatbug error
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 1996 13:41:25 +0100

I had the same problem a long time ago.
What backgroung processes have you in your system?
Check and kill the procs regarding application which use a lot
of color inside (hearth for example)
Hope this help

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|            |-(\,__              Perrone Alessandro <address@hidden>          |
|         ...|-|\--,\_....  :-) Non Posso imprigionare tutta la vastita' del  |
|     ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, mio sentimento in un solo volto di donna :-) |
|,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| URL: http://vega.unive.it/~alex/     ______   ---------   _____     ------  |

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