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I got happyspace to work!!!

From: bleydorf
Subject: I got happyspace to work!!!
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 19:06:48 -0400

I finally got it to work, sort of.  I was trying everything possible in
Observer.m and finally started looking in other programs, when looking
in Heatbug.m I saw the line:
[world putObject: self atX: x Y: y];     //Yikes!
(And I had previously added a happyWorld object and added it the the
setWorld:Heat:HappyWorld:Happy: method, etc...

When I added:
[happyWorld putObject: self atX: x Y: y];

And it worked...well, kindof, I can't be positive what it shows.  At
first it appears to be a "blue" copy of the heatspace, but as time goes
on it starts to look strange.  If the unhappiness is low, then it starts
going toward black, with some really interesting designs, if unhappiness
is high, then after it pretty much blues out, it then has these strange
pockets of "black" which at first I thought were the heatbugs on top of
the happyworld, but in fact I think it is the "lack of happyiness in a
given area...

The other things I changed/tried: adding the happyHeatbugDisplay stuff,
that at first I thought should be left out (since I wasn't planning on
drawing heatbugs in the happyspace).  And changing the happiness
levels from (100,95,...,5,0) to (20, 19,....,1,0) and realizing that
there were 21 levels, not 20. 
And I ran it under 16 bits per pixel, by using "startx -- -bpp 16"

Note:  Its really interesting how easy it is to learn this stuff, just
by doing it.  As opposed as "reading"...

Now if I can just figure out how to make the bugs "reproduce" and 
"commit sucicide".  (and later add genetic algorithms, to make the
heatbugs evolve...)

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