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Re: Further explanation on Obj-C

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Further explanation on Obj-C
Date: 24 Jun 1999 13:14:51 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.3.10

>>>>> "SCP" == Steven I Citron-Pousty <address@hidden> writes:

SCP> My point in quoting you was that you said that the
SCP> Java implementation would not be acheived with Swarm 2.0.  

Some proprietary Windows IDE integration problems probably won't be
solved for 2.0, but it will certainly be possible to write models in

SCP> I understand that the time and energy of the swarm team is
SCP> limited therefore I am not slagging you, I am just saddenend by
SCP> the way of the world. 

Offhand, here are some ways to get the features you want
implemented in Swarm:

  1. Step up to bat.  Hack.  [All praise the creators.]
  2. Contract a company like Swarm Corporation to do the job.
  3. Give the Swarm project money to hire hackers.
     Indicate things you'd like for them/us to work on.
  4. Give SFI money to hire researchers and hope something comes out of it

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