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Re: Saving and reading rng state from (ascii) file?

From: Sven N. Thommesen
Subject: Re: Saving and reading rng state from (ascii) file?
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 14:05:08 -0500


the documentation for this used to be in the "Random Appendix" to the reference guide, but the powers that be have now transferred some of what I wrote to the "Beta Users Guide" which you can find at the Swarm.Org web site. Check out section C.2.1.3. I have appended to this message the code in the random test suite that exercises the save-state/set-state machinery. If this doesn't run correctly at your site, I'll be happy to send you the whole test suite so we can figure things out.

I notice that your code differs from mine in that you have "unsigned *rngState" while I have and id, and my pointer is a (void *) rather than (unsigned *). Don't know if that's the source of your problem.

Perhaps Marcus has a point that I ought to add code to save and retrieve the random objects using lisp and/or hdf5, but from my own perspective it is a *feature*, not a bug, that the internals of the state are kept hidden ;-)

Marcus: perhaps a pointer from the (shortened) reference guide to the material now in the User Guide would be useful?

Sven Thommesen

At 10:20 AM 6/13/2000 +0100, you wrote:
Dear all,

I'm trying to regularly save the state of the default MT19937 rng into a
file, to be able to restart a run where it broke off due to power cut etc.

Now I got thus far:

  unsigned rngStateSize;
  unsigned *rngState;

  rngStateSize = [randSource getStateSize]; // gives 5020
  rngState = (unsigned *) [globalZone alloc: [randSource getStateSize]];
  [randSource putStateInto: rngState];

  // how to save the state?

  // how to read that in again?

  [randSource setStateFrom: rngState];
  [globalZone free: rngState];

(randSource is a pointer to the MT19937 generator)

Has someone got an example of how to do this? I couldn't find anything in
the archive?

Thanks, Jan.

Jan Kreft                               Phone  +44 (0)29 20875278
Cardiff School of Biosciences           Fax    +44 (0)29 20874305
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