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Re: Remove event from a schedule

From: Olivier Jauze
Subject: Re: Remove event from a schedule
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 16:37:57 +0200

At 08:11 01/08/01 -0600, you wrote:
>>>>> "OJ" == Olivier Jauze <address@hidden> writes:

OJ> But I have a problem : I make an index on this schedule and then I
OJ> traverse the index to look at actions of this agent.

How about creating a list in the agent that tracks the Actions created
on behalf of the agent, and then iterate through that to remove the Actions?
(It would hold the return values of createActionTo:message:.)

Would it be possible to restructure your model so that each agent had
its own Schedule?

I have tried to create a list of Actions but I had this problems :

- If I add all the Actions created in this list, I have to remove all the olds Actions that have been executed. Then I have a concurrent access to my list. - I think it is too important treatment at every event execution. Because when an Action is executed, I have to remove it from the list and I do not know how I can do that. When an Action is executed, is there a way to know is Id or something that can describe it ? If there is I can remove it easily I think.

I believe it is not possible to have one schedule for each agent, that is not what we choose.

There is no way to remove all the Actions of an agent ?

Thanks for your time.
Olivier JAUZE
INRA unité URH équipe SP
Centre de Theix

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