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Re: Building Swarm 2.2 Pretest on Solaris

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Building Swarm 2.2 Pretest on Solaris
Date: 10 Jan 2002 11:07:49 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "JXJ" == Jules X Junker <address@hidden> writes:

JXJ> When it goes into the src directory and using emacs in batch mode
JXJ> to generate the getters file essentially as follows: 
JXJ> emacs -batch -l getters.elc -f generate-SwarmEnvironment-getters

JXJ> I get the following error:
JXJ>     Buffer is read-only: #<buffer activity.h>

Strange.  To get a backtrace, do this:

1) Start Emacs with "emacs -q "

2) Do:   M-x : (setenv "SWARMSRCDIR" "/where-you-unpacked-Swarm")
         M-x : (setenv "TOP_BUILDDIR" "/where-you-are-building-Swarm")
         M-x : (setenv "BUILDDIR" "/where-you-are-building-Swarm/src")
         M-x : (load "/where-you-are-building-Swarm/src/getters.el")
         M-x : (setq debug-on-error t)
         M-x : (generate-SwarmEnvironment-getters)

In my case, SWARMSRCDIR and TOP_BUILDDIR are different because I configure
and compile Swarm outside of the source tree, e.g. /build/swarm instead of
/src/swarm-2002-01-07.  I do these builds all the time on Solaris, so 
something funny is happening.

JXJ> In fact if anyone has a set of notes on how to build Swarm on
JXJ> Solaris I would greatly appreciate that.

About the only thing special about Solaris is that the native linker
doesn't handle Objective C constructors correctly for shared libraries.
Therefore, in order to use Swarm with Java, it is necessary to build Swarm
using GCC configured for GNU binutils.  And don't forget the GCC patch:

Btw, the URL below is complete build for sparc-sun-solaris.  It should
be unpacked in /home/swarm1.  E.g. make an account "swarm1" and unpack
the tarball below, setting SWARMHOME to /home/swarm1/packages.


(Nothing special about that date, just that's when I did a from-scratch
build of all the relevant packages on a stock Solaris system.)

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