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[Swarm-Support] Re:help for listindex!

From: HU Xiaojun
Subject: [Swarm-Support] Re:help for listindex!
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:59:36 +0800

Can somebody give me a hand about this?
I think the answer might be very easy, but I just can't find it!
I want to replace some of the members in the list. I use the method "remove" and
"addafter" of listindex to do that, but the compiler always gives a warning
message about the line: "relationIndex = [relationList begin: [self getZone]];"
it says:"objects does not comform to the "listindex" protocol"
why,could someone help me?



>Message: 2
>Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 10:03:06 +0800
>From: "HU Xiaojun" <address@hidden>
>Subject: [Swarm-Support] How to addafer an object?
>To: address@hidden
>Message-ID: <address@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain
>I have a question.
>I want to remove an object from a list and insert another object at the same
>- a function
>id <Index> relationIndex;
>id element;
>id newelement=nil;
>relationIndex = [relationList begin: [self getZone]];
>for(element = [relationIndex next]; [relationIndex getLoc] == Member; element =
>[relationIndex next])
>     if(....)
>         { 
>       [relationIndex remove];
>       newelement=....
>         [relationIndex addAfter: newelement];
>         }   
>[relationIndex drop];
>return self;
>When I compile it, it complains that method "addAfter" not implemented by
>so I made some change,I decalre the relationIndex as:
>id <ListIndex> relationIndex;
>and keep the other things.
>when i compile it, it complains that in the line of 
>"relationIndex = [relationList begin: [self getZone]];" objects does not 
>to the "listindex" protocol.
>I don't know how to define a RETURNABLE listindex, can somebody help me? 
>The version is swarm-2.1.1.
>Best regards!
>Tsinghua Univ.

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