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[Swftools-common] menu

From: Marek
Subject: [Swftools-common] menu
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 14:07:24 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090409)

Simple menu,
I am trying to create simple button menu, based on example from swftools site.
The problem is that when I press next button I need to do it twice before it
get pressed.

How to make this that when I press another button the last one is no longer
pressed and highlighted, and now that just pressed is highlighted?

.flash bbox=530x190 version=6 name="budynek.swf" compress

#.jpeg background st_1133250475.jpg
#.put background
.box box1 color=white fill=#336633 width=150 height=40
.box box2 color=white fill=#99cc99 width=151 height=41

.outline house_outline:
        M 36.99 29.93 L 15.52 51.39 L 20.44 51.39 L 20.44 81.91
                      L 39.73 81.91 L 39.73 62.33 L 48.36 62.33
                      L 48.36 81.91 L 53.84 81.91 L 53.84 51.39
                      L 58.45 51.39 L 36.99 29.93
        M 28.79 53.70 L 34.55 53.70 L 34.55 60.60 L 28.79 60.60
                      L 28.79 53.70
.outline box_outline:
        M 20.85 46.79 L 65.42 46.79 L 65.42 63.21
                        L 20.85 63.21 L 20.85 46.79

.outline st_outline:
        M 38.71 11.21 L 33.14 28.93 L 58.85 27.07
                 L 14 38.79 L 38.71 11.21

 .outline star_outline:
        M 521,640 C 502,678 370,546 328,554 C 270,566 152,731 93,722
                  C 51,716 147,549 127,512 C 98,460 -107,400 -117,341
                  C -124,299 63,339 93,308 C 133,265 127,50 180,23
                  C 218,3 238,195 276,213 C 330,238 532,166 575,208
                  C 605,238 429,316 424,358 C 416,417 547,587 521,640

        .filled house outline=house_outline fill=grey color=grey
        .filled box outline=box_outline fill=red color=red
        .filled st outline=st_outline fill=blue color=blue
        .filled star outline=star_outline fill=white color=white

#       .put box x=250 y=70
#       .put house x=200 y=25
#       .put st x=270 y=40


.button mybutton1
        .show box1 as=shape x=25 y=35  alpha=50%
        .show box2 as=hover x=25 y=35
        .show box1 as=area x=25 y=35
        .show box2 as=pressed x=25 y=35 alpha=95%
        .show box2 as=released x=25 y=35 alpha=95%
        this.geturl('javascript:alert(\'You pressed the mybutton1


.button mybutton2
    .show house as=shape x=25 y=35  alpha=50%
    .show house as=hover x=25 y=35
        .show house as=area x=25 y=35
        .show house as=pressed x=25 y=35 alpha=95%
        this.geturl('javascript:alert(\'You pressed the mybutton2


.button mybutton3
    .show st as=shape x=25 y=35 alpha=50%
    .show st as=hover x=25 y=35
        .show st as=area x=25 y=35
        .show st as=pressed x=25 y=35 alpha=95%
        this.geturl('javascript:alert(\'You pressed the mybutton3


.button mybutton4
    .show star as=shape x=25 y=35 alpha=50%
    .show star as=hover x=25 y=35
        .show star as=area x=25 y=35
        .show star as=pressed x=25 y=35 alpha=95%
        this.geturl('javascript:alert(\'You pressed the mybutton4


.frame 1

    .put b1=mybutton1
    .put b2=mybutton2 y=20 red=+255
    .put b3=mybutton3 x=100 y=30 green=+255
    .put b4=mybutton4 scale=10% x=250 y=70 green=+255



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