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Re: [Texmacs-dev] QT bug related to errors with non-ascii filenames?

From: Sam Liddicott
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] QT bug related to errors with non-ascii filenames?
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 14:40:30 -0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101108 Lanikai/3.1.7pre

On 09/11/10 14:31, Gubinelli Massimiliano wrote:
On 9 nov. 10, at 14:56, Miguel de Benito Delgado wrote:

Hi Massimiliano, 

  do you think this may be related to those things you fixed a couple of days ago?


I do not think that it is related to our problems. Actually there are no problems on the Qt side as far as I undestand.
With Joris we discussed a bit the issue and decided that on the long term TeXmacs urls should be internally utf8 encoded.
The point is that unix filesystems use uft8. A reorganization of the texmacs code is needed since each time we convert an url into a string
we should decide if the string representation should be utf8 or cork. To speak to the unix api we need utf8 strings while for displaying string
we need cork (since the url can then be mixed with other cork strings). 
For the moment I made some changes  limited to the Qt plugin to have all urls in utf8. This allow to open strange filenames but for the moment this imply also that some name sometimes is rendered incorreclty (but work fine).

I wish those three non-unicode cork characters (I think that's all there is) would get unicode code-points.

Are there any other technical obstacles (apart from all the work involved!) behind moving to full unicode? Perhaps (speaking as if pixies would write all the code for us) tmml format could use unicode (maybe it does) and .tm be cork (as it is).



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