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[Thales] GNU Thales 1.0 released !

From: Lucas Nussbaum
Subject: [Thales] GNU Thales 1.0 released !
Date: Sun, 9 May 2004 10:48:41 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

Hello all,

Thales 1.0 just hit the GNU FTP. It includes some performance
improvements, perfect support for Unreal 3.2 and its third-party
modules, and some very nice scripts contributed by users of Thales.

Download link :

It should be available shortly on the GNU FTP mirrors :

Thank you to all who helped me getting this released, including Hervé
Rousseau, Gregory Auzanneau,,,
address@hidden, and others !

Detailed ChangeLog :
   - added a workaround for a possible unreal bug.
   - using autoconf 2.59 instead of autoconf 2.13.
   - no longer report usage if you are using Unreal.
   - added support for unreal modules' modes. see the UnrealModules
   - added's memphistools ! see examples/memphistools/.
     Provided by XytraS <address@hidden>
   - added secondary keys to ison table, which provided a 10% speed benefit.
   - added unreal's +T cmode.
   - added unreal's +D umode (needed for PrivDeaf module)
   - added unreal's +z umode. patch from nick martini <address@hidden>
   - nickinfo, an example from Andreas Lindemann <address@hidden> !
   - Recycled-counter, an example from ProPheT <address@hidden> !
   - server.linkedto is now an int (was a tinyint).
| Lucas Nussbaum
| address@hidden    address@hidden    GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |
| jabber: address@hidden |
| fingerprint: 075D 010B 80C3 AC68 BD4F B328 DA19 6237 023B 3F4F |

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