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Re: [Tlf-devel] What am I doing wrong

From: Joop Stakenborg
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] What am I doing wrong
Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 09:41:31 +0100

Op za, 04-12-2004 te 18:01 -0500, schreef Ed:

> I open a terminal, cd to /tlf/arrlfd and do a "tlf -v" and it opens the 
> logcfg in /usr/share everytime. I try tlf and get the same results. I'm 
> sure that I missed something, somewhere, but don't have a clue where to 
> look. I'm using a Debian based distro if that matters. Any ideas ?

Do you have a line with: 


in logcfg.dat? It should have the same name as your rules file in
the /tlf/arrlfd/rules directory.

Why do you use /tlf? On unix it is common practice to keep files in your
home directory.

> Ed W3NR

Joop PG4I
Joop Stakenborg <address@hidden>

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