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Re: [Tlf-devel] TLF during ARRL DX CW.

From: W.-R. Juergens (DL2WRJ)
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] TLF during ARRL DX CW.
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 06:27:32 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.7.2


On Tuesday 22 February 2005 23:32, David Quental wrote:
> Only to say that last weekend, 19-20feb05, I participated in ARRL DX
> CW with TLF, despite a smal local problem with my keyer and missing
> states in arrlsections, all ran very fine indeed with TLF!!!!

I was also confused with the arrlsections, I made a more useful file for 
me. But the arrlsections file Rein provided was correct, but one have 
to know that NY is WNY to input (others like PA,TX ... also). I learned 
that the hard way, in the first QSO of the Contest ;-)

> So my big thanks to Rein for his excelent program.

I second that, TLF is working great, Thanks Rein!
Here is a screenshot of my desktop in the ARRL DX 2005.
I worked only 80 QSOs in a few hours. All QRP with the K2. 
Also I was very satisfied with the "sound" of the keyer. 
No weighting problems anymore. Setup at 28/30WPM and weighting to 24.

73 Wolf, DL2WRJ 
-- - CW - Digital - QRP - QRPP - QRSS
DL-QRP-AG #2138 AGCW #3022 RU-QRP #47 G-QRP #11473 QRP-L #2545
fpqrp #887 & german chapter #4
Devoted to QRP - QRV with Elecraft K1, K2 and wire antennas

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