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Re: [Tlf-devel] Found it (I think)

From: Rein Couperus PA0R
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Found it (I think)
Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 09:07:19 +0200

At the moment I am finishing the alpha (test) version of Xtlf-1.0.0. (I
only have to do the mults worked display for sections).

Am I right with my impression that the multipliers in this contest are
"sections + countries" ? Where can I find an exact description of the
rules? I may be able to issue a test version before the weekend. 

This upcoming version will do countries and zones (cqww), prefixes
(wpx), sections (pacc), sections + countries (e.g. spdx) and iota (IOTA
islands). Only signle user...

Adif and cabrillo are ready, and config files have been drastically

If I can get the rules I may be able to get you going... If it is
sections + countries it will be easy (program the spdx rtty contest and
make a new sections file).


Rein Pa0R.

On Wed, 2006-05-03 at 14:33 -0700, Ernest wrote:
> If only I knew how to fix it!
> Executive summary:
> Attempt to get TLF working with US State QSO party
> contests. 
> Discovery. 
> If TLF is run as an arrlss contest, and arrlsection
> data file is overwritten with multiplier data valid
> for the state qso contest, TLF will work nicely.
> However, if the multiplier data, (section data), is
> not 3 char identifiers, when entering data, TLF will
> prompt with "section ?" and fail to match. 
> I think it is in getexchange.c where
> checksection[3]='\0'. (If only I knew how to fix it!)
> When testing with Michigan QSO data it would display
> the 'sections' but they where limited to 3 char
> identifiers. and the getexchange function would fail
> to match even when a valid 2 char identifier was
> entered. Some Michigan QSO multipliers are 4
> characters in length (counties), and some are 2
> character state identifiers or 'DX'. 
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