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Re: [Tlf-devel] Problems noted during Sweepstakes

From: Mark Bailey
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Problems noted during Sweepstakes
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 12:07:57 -0500
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Hi Tom:

I would prefer having the serial number and precedence entered without a space between them. Also check and section. Entering a three digit number is hard to remember and inconvenient. It DOES allow unambiguous sorting though. The ONE extra character for the precedence on a serial number correction is better than the extra zeros on a serial number (IMHO).

Not using TLF YET!  :-)


Mark, KD4D

 On 11/10/2011 11:44 AM, Thomas Beierlein wrote:
Hi Ben,

thanks for the report for the SS behaviour.

Am Wed, 09 Nov 2011 15:56:36 -0500
schrieb Ben Coleman NJ8J<address@hidden>:

The Sweepstakes input parsing has some problems.  I consistently
noted that a precedence of U would get dropped if the fields were not
entered in order (I often found myself entering in the order Prec
Check Section Serial, as I would fill in Prec Check Section while
listening to QSOs before I was answered, then fill in the serial when
I finally got the QSO).  Precs A and B wouldn't be dropped, prec U
was.  I suspect the prec code was incompletely updated when U was
I just looked into it. You are right. Prec U is not correctly handled.

I also had a couple or three QSOs where the serial and prec got
dropped. I'm not yet sure what lead to this.
I had a look into the code. The automatic recognition rules are not
waterproof. Especially Serial and check can be missinterpreted if not
entered in a speial order. I would suggest to make that non-ambiguous
by the following rules:

- Precedent has exactly one letter
- Section is any combination of 2 or three letters
- Check has always two digits (04 for 2004)
- Serial has at least three digits (QSO nr. 1 has to be entered as
- precedent and section has to be separated by check or serial or a
- similar goes for check and serial

That would make definite rules for interpreting and allows nearly any
order and an use of any number of blanks (>=0) between them:

74B024CT = 024B 74 CT = B 74 CT 024 = ...

What do you think?

73, de Tom DL1JBE.

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