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tramp (2.0.8); Unable to edit remote files using Tramp

From: Krishnakumar B
Subject: tramp (2.0.8); Unable to edit remote files using Tramp
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 18:26:02 -0500

Enter your bug report in this message, including as much detail as you
possibly can about the problem, what you did to cause it and what the
local and remote machines are.

If you can give a simple set of instructions to make this bug happen
reliably, please include those.  Thank you for helping kill bugs in
--bug report follows this line--


I am trying to edit a remote file using Tramp. I have my ssh connection
setup and it works great. But when I do a

C-x C-f /ace:~/app-defaults/Emacs

I get a message

tramp-send-command-and-check: Couldn't find exit status of `ls -d /'

after a series of other messages. I have attached my debug buffers at the
end. I do have ls aliased. But I see a --norc flag in the bash command sent
out by tramp. So I don't think that that is a problem. And I also didn't
try to press TAB for completion.

Local machine is a RedHat 7.3 and the remote machine is a Solaris 2.7
server. FWIW, I am able to connect to the remote machine and spawn
remote-compile using the ssh route. Here is what I use for that and it

(setq remote-shell-program      "ssh"
      remote-compile-host       "ace"
      remote-compile-user       "kitty"
      remote-compile-run-before ". $HOME/.profile > /dev/null 2>&1"
      compile-command           "make -j4"

Emacs  : GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)
 of 2002-08-03 on samba
Package: tramp (2.0.8)

current state:
 tramp-ls-command nil
 tramp-test-groks-nt nil
 tramp-file-exists-command nil
 tramp-current-multi-method nil
 tramp-current-method nil
 tramp-current-user nil
 tramp-current-host nil
 tramp-auto-save-directory nil
 tramp-default-method "scp"
 tramp-rsh-end-of-line "\n"
 tramp-remote-path '("/pkg/gnu2k1/bin" "/pkg/local/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin"
                     "/usr/sbin" "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/ccs/bin" "/local/bin"
                     "/local/freeware/bin" "/local/gnu/bin"
                     "/usr/freeware/bin" "/usr/pkg/bin" "/usr/contrib/bin")
 tramp-login-prompt-regexp ".*ogin: *"
 tramp-password-prompt-regexp "^.*\\([pP]assword\\|passphrase.*\\):? *"
 tramp-wrong-passwd-regexp "^.*\\(Connection 
\\(?:\\(?:clo\\|refu\\)sed\\)\\|Host key verification failed\\.\\|Login 
\\(?:[Ii]ncorrect\\)\\|Name or service not known\\|\\(?:Permission 
denied\\|Sorry, try again\\)\\.\\).*\\|^.*\\(Received signal [0-9]+\\).*"
 tramp-temp-name-prefix "tramp."
 2 4 5 6)
 tramp-file-name-regexp "\\`/[^/:]+:"
'("\\`/\\(\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)?:\\)\\(\\(%s\\)+\\)\\(.*\\)\\'" 2 3 -1)
'("\\([a-zA-z0-9_]+\\):\\([^@:/]+\\)@\\([^:/]+\\):" 1 2 3)
 tramp-multi-methods '("multi" "multiu")
 tramp-multi-connection-function-alist '(("telnet" tramp-multi-connect-telnet
                                          "telnet %h%n")
                                         ("rsh" tramp-multi-connect-rlogin
                                          "rsh %h -l %u%n")
                                         ("ssh" tramp-multi-connect-rlogin
                                          "ssh %h -l %u%n")
                                         ("su" tramp-multi-connect-su
                                          "su - %u%n")
                                         ("sudo" tramp-multi-connect-su
                                          "sudo -u %u -s%n")
 tramp-make-tramp-file-format "/%m:address@hidden:%p"
 tramp-end-of-output "/////"
 shell-prompt-pattern "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$%>] *"
 backup-by-copying nil
 backup-by-copying-when-linked nil
 backup-by-copying-when-mismatch nil
 backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch 200
 . jka-compr-handler)
                           ("\\`/[^/:]+:" . tramp-file-name-handler)
                           ("\\`/:" . file-name-non-special))

*debug tramp/scp ace*

# Opening connection at ace using scp...
# Processing actions
# Waiting 60s for prompt from remote shell
# Looking for pattern ^.*\([pP]assword\|passphrase.*\):? *
# Looking for pattern .*ogin: *
# Looking for pattern ^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *
# Looking for pattern ^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key 
verification failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|Name or service not 
known\|\(?:Permission denied\|Sorry, try again\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal 
# Looking for pattern Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\? *
# Looking for pattern ^.*\([pP]assword\|passphrase.*\):? *
# Looking for pattern .*ogin: *
# Looking for pattern ^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *
# Looking for pattern ^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key 
verification failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|Name or service not 
known\|\(?:Permission denied\|Sorry, try again\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal 
# Looking for pattern Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\? *
# Looking for pattern ^.*\([pP]assword\|passphrase.*\):? *
# Looking for pattern .*ogin: *
# Looking for pattern ^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *
# Looking for pattern ^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key 
verification failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|Name or service not 
known\|\(?:Permission denied\|Sorry, try again\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal 
# Looking for pattern Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\? *
# Looking for pattern ^.*\([pP]assword\|passphrase.*\):? *
# Looking for pattern .*ogin: *
# Looking for pattern ^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *
# Looking for pattern ^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key 
verification failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|Name or service not 
known\|\(?:Permission denied\|Sorry, try again\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal 
# Looking for pattern Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\? *
# Looking for pattern ^.*\([pP]assword\|passphrase.*\):? *
# Looking for pattern .*ogin: *
# Looking for pattern ^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *
# Looking for pattern ^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key 
verification failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|Name or service not 
known\|\(?:Permission denied\|Sorry, try again\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal 
# Looking for pattern Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\? *
# Looking for pattern ^.*\([pP]assword\|passphrase.*\):? *
# Looking for pattern .*ogin: *
# Looking for pattern ^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *
# Found remote shell prompt.
# Initializing remote shell
$ exec /bin/sh
# Waiting 30s for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...
exec /bin/sh
$ # Setting up remote shell environment
stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U'
$ $ # Determining coding system
$ # Waiting 30s for `HISTFILE=$HOME/.tramp_history; HISTSIZE=1'
$ # Waiting 30s for `set +o vi +o emacs'
$ # Waiting 30s for `unset MAIL MAILCHECK MAILPATH'
$ # Waiting 30s for `unset CDPATH'
$ # Setting shell prompt
$ PS1='
'; PS2=''; PS3=''
$ echo hello
# Waiting for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...
# Waiting for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...done
$ echo ~root
$ while read d; do if test -x $d/bash -a -f $d/bash; then echo tramp_executable 
$d/bash; break; fi; done <<'EOF'
$ /pkg/gnu2k1/bin
$ /pkg/local/bin
$ /bin
$ /usr/bin
$ /usr/sbin
$ /usr/local/bin
$ /usr/ccs/bin
$ /local/bin
$ /local/freeware/bin
$ /local/gnu/bin
$ /usr/freeware/bin
$ /usr/pkg/bin
$ /usr/contrib/bin
tramp_executable /pkg/gnu2k1/bin/bash
# Starting remote shell `/pkg/gnu2k1/bin/bash --norc' for tilde expansion...
$ PS1='$ ' ; exec /pkg/gnu2k1/bin/bash --norc
bash-2.05$ $ echo hello
# Waiting for remote `/pkg/gnu2k1/bin/bash --norc' to start up...
# Waiting for remote `/pkg/gnu2k1/bin/bash --norc' to start up...done
# Finding command to check if file exists
$ ls -d / 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 

*tramp/scp ace*

tramp_exit_status 0


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