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[vile] Would someone please explain why mods of 0555 are "insceure"?

From: Steven Lembark
Subject: [vile] Would someone please explain why mods of 0555 are "insceure"?
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 07:47:07 -0500

And how to turn this off at compile time, if possible.

Using "vile" or "xvile" on anything leaves me in a window with:

    [Skipping '/opt/bin/xvile' (insecure permissions)]
    [Skipping '/opt/bin/xvile' (insecure permissions)]
    [Reading /home/lembark/.vilerc]
    [Read 73 lines from "/home/lembark/.vilerc"]
    [Reading /home/lembark/.vile/filters/filters.rc]
    [Reading /opt/vile/9.8o/share/vile/modes.rc]
    [Reading /opt/vile/9.8o/share/vile/palettes.rc]

Checking the mods:

    $ ls -ld /opt/bin/xvile
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 lembark bin 17 Jul 31 22:19 /opt/bin/xvile -> ../vile/bin/xvile

    $ ls -ld /opt/vile/bin/xvile
    -r-xr-xr-x 1 lembark bin 2208512 Jul 31 22:08 /opt/vile/bin/xvile

The mods on my personal .vile directory are:

    $ ls -ld ~/.vile
    drwxr-xr-x 3 lembark lembark 78 Oct 29 15:23 /home/lembark/.vile

So, either [x]vile is checking the symlink's mods (unlikley) or 
is mis-handling the executable mods in some way? Or is read access
to other on the ~/.vile causing the problem?

Steven Lembark                                             3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing                                   St Louis, MO 63110
address@hidden                                      +1 888 359 3508

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