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Hurd humor

From: Daniel Holt
Subject: Hurd humor
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:58:59 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

To whom it may concern,

I found it amusing, on reading the Hurd website news section, to see that on a project that's already a decade and a half in and without a production release, there's someone translating web pages into Esperanto :)

I'm not being critical, I hope I don't give that impression -- I really look forward to trying out and using Hurd, maybe some day even contributing to it, and I understand the difficulties in running such a complex project with mostly part-time volunteer work only -- so please take it as a bit of well-intentioned humor, and not a jab of any kind.

Thanks for all the work your team has done, and I look forward to future updates on the status of the Hurd project.

All the Best,


Daniel M. Holt
Systems Administrator
Partners in Research
Provincial Head Office
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London, ON N6A 4V6
Tel. (519) 433-7866
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