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Total 165 documents matching your query.

101. Re: This ext2 filesystem has a rather strange layout! (score: 9)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 12:14:57 -0500
parted's ext2 code cannot currently handle ext2/3 filesystems created by newer versions of e2fsprogs. You'll be better off using resize2fs (for the filesystem) and fdisk (for the partition itself). -
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-04/msg00081.html (5,916 bytes)

102. This ext2 filesystem has a rather strange layout! (score: 9)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 22:36:13 -0500
GNU Parted 1.6.21 with HFS shrink patch 16 Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License. This program is distribut
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-04/msg00075.html (6,495 bytes)

103. version (1.6.9) (score: 9)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 00:59:58 +0100
$ sudo qtparted Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk! A bug has been detected in GNU parted. Please email a bug report to address@hidden containing the version (1.6.9) and the following mes
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-02/msg00083.html (4,532 bytes)

104. Re: segmentation fault qtparted (score: 9)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 10:39:29 +1100
Hi Humberto, Thanks for the bug report. Parted 1.6.11 is rather old. You might want to try a newer version. Cheers, Andrew
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-02/msg00037.html (5,543 bytes)

105. segmentation fault qtparted (score: 9)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2005 12:07:09 -0400
Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk! A bug has been detected in GNU parted. Please email a bug report to address@hidden containing the version (1.6.11) and the following message:Assertion
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-02/msg00035.html (4,803 bytes)

106. Re: This ext2 filesystem has a rather strange layout (score: 9)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:42:02 +1100
Hi Walter, Yes, this is a well known problem that Parted has had for a long time. Parted can't resize modern ext2 partitions, unfortunately. You have to use resize2fs. Cheers, Andrew
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-01/msg00123.html (4,721 bytes)

107. This ext2 filesystem has a rather strange layout (score: 9)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 21:50:16 +0100
Hello, I am "purifying" my disk (see list of minors...). I followed the steps in the parted manual but I have a problem. ORIGINAL set-up: (parted) print Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0.000-76319.085 me
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-01/msg00122.html (6,217 bytes)

108. Re: About the "checking not yet implemented" message (score: 9)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 09:37:26 +1100
libparted always calls ped_file_system_check() when doing a resize or copy. I could change it so that it only attempts a check if check is implemented. libparted has no way of checking if the partiti
/archive/html/bug-parted/2004-12/msg00038.html (4,985 bytes)

109. About the "checking not yet implemented" message (score: 9)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 15:12:19 +0100
Hi, I've had an user report from somebody who was confused by the message "Support for checking %s file systems is not implemented yet." when he tryied to resize an HFS fs, because I've not check imp
/archive/html/bug-parted/2004-12/msg00025.html (4,680 bytes)

110. HELP PLEASE (score: 9)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 13:35:26 +0200
Hi ! I'm running a FC 2 Distro, dual booting from my hdc: (parted) print Disk geometry for /dev/hdc: 0.000-57231,562 megabytes Disk label type: msdos Minor Start End Type Filesystem Flags 1 0,031 218
/archive/html/bug-parted/2004-09/msg00104.html (5,354 bytes)

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