I am trying to resize an ext3 partition and getting this message This ext2 filesystem has a rather strange layout please help 1 0.031 103.359 primary ext3 boot 2 103.359 14071.640 primary ext3 3 1407
Hi, I'd like to resize an ext3 partition. My partition table looks like: address@hidden sbin]# ./parted /dev/hda print Warning: Unable to determine if partitions are mounted via /proc/mounts or /etc/
Script started on Tue Aug 19 13:30:54 2003 address@hidden:~# qtparted Error: msdos disk labels do not support partition names. Error: msdos disk labels do not support partition names. Error: msdos di
I have a LVM that spans over 5 disks... now the last disk in the array has crashed... everytime I try to access the disk the whole LVM hangs and I get the following in the kernel log: Jul 28 22:47:55
Got this message so here goes... Warning: Unable to align partition properly. This probably means that another partitioning tool generated an incorrect partition table, because it didn't have the cor
This is not an ext3-related problem. It's probably due to some raid stride option, which Parted can't cope with. See the mke2fs manpage... look for the -R option. Cheers, Andrew
This question has been answered before (on this mailing list), but it seems the parted webpage says something else: Can parted resize ext3 partitions (assuming that I am not changing the START positi
If you use a recent version of mke2fs from e2fsprogs v1.33 to create a ext2 partition, you can't resize it, you get this message. Noimplementation: This ext2 filesystem has a strange layout
Hi there, I have two hard drives, a 40 and 60 gig, respectively having windows XP pro and red hat linux 9. The 40 gig is hda and 60 is hdb, and I'm having trouble with parted - I want to shrink my ro