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Total 165 documents matching your query.

21. Re: [Linux-NTFS-Dev] NTFS resizer (score: 19)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 18:25:36 +1000
Hi, Sorry for taking so long... non-maskable interrupts (maintainence!) I guess this is ok with lots of accessor functions, etc. (These are necessary for endianness, and making things like accesing t
/archive/html/bug-parted/2001-08/msg00093.html (13,261 bytes)

22. bug report (score: 17)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 02:02:46 +0400
A bug has been detected in GNU parted. Please email a bug report to address@hidden containing the version (1.6.24) and the following message:Assertion (metadata_length > 0) at disk_dos.c:1962 in fun
/archive/html/bug-parted/2007-07/msg00008.html (5,042 bytes)

23. [Fwd: Bug in GNU parted?] Followup to previous message (score: 17)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Sat, 08 Oct 2005 12:20:34 -0700
Upon trying to see the drive in QT Parted again, the following message was printed on the cli: address@hidden:~$ sudo qtparted No Implementation: This ext2 filesystem has a rather strange layout! Par
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-10/msg00099.html (8,654 bytes)

24. "rather strange" ext2 layout (score: 17)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2005 00:22:13 -0400
I am currently trying 1.6.23, but I also saw this problem on all the earlier versions that I tried (1.6.21 and 1.6.9): No Implementation: This ext2 file system has a rather strange layout! Parted can
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-10/msg00088.html (5,765 bytes)

25. Re: Not able to move fat32 partition (score: 17)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 18:21:36 -0400
Thanks. Here is the fat-start.img file. Hello, I'm currently using parted 1.6.23, and I am not able to move my fat32 partition. Here is the error message. -- (parted) move 9 24703 25961 No Implementa
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-07/msg00205.html (6,948 bytes)

26. Re: Not able to move fat32 partition (score: 17)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 14:22:22 +1000
This probably means that the cluster size needs to be increased. This only happens if you try to increase the size of the file system. Me neither. Could you please send the first 16k of your file sys
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-07/msg00198.html (5,511 bytes)

27. Not able to move fat32 partition (score: 17)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 17:18:55 -0400
Hello, I'm currently using parted 1.6.23, and I am not able to move my fat32 partition. Here is the error message. -- (parted) move 9 24703 25961 No Implementation: GNU Parted cannot resize this part
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-07/msg00195.html (5,959 bytes)

28. A bug has been detected in GNU parted (score: 17)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 21:28:26 +0200
No Implementation: Support for opening ntfs file systems is not implemented yet. Error: Filesystem was not cleanly unmounted! You should e2fsck. Modifying an unclean filesystem could cause severe cor
/archive/html/bug-parted/2005-04/msg00153.html (4,711 bytes)

29. Re: control of partition numbers (score: 17)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2003 15:34:24 -0500 (EST)
From: Andrew Clausen <address@hidden> Well, you are the expert. Can you explain? Is it an artifact of the implementation of parted? Is it due to the vast variety of partition table mechanisms? The ac
/archive/html/bug-parted/2003-01/msg00000.html (12,644 bytes)

30. Parted, IA64 and ReiserFS (score: 17)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 03:25:27 +0200
Platform : DELL 7150 Itanium IA64 OS : RedHat 7.1 official Itanium CDROM (out of the box install) (parted) print Disk geometry for /dev/sda: 0.000-17278.000 megabytes Disk label type: GPT Minor Start
/archive/html/bug-parted/2001-09/msg00047.html (6,297 bytes)

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