Reproducing the problem is a no-brainer on any computer. Over the last 8 months several people told you several times what's the problem in parted and how to fix it. There were over 100(!) emails sen
Hello, I am trying to resize the boot partition as I have run out of space on it. The next contiguous partition was the swap and so I removed this partition and made a new swap on another drive. Now
Thanks for the explanation. So it seems that reiserfs has changed at some point, then reiserfsprogs were adapted/fixed but not progsreiserfs. Usually this is solved by refactoring the code and/or mak
Somebody should really fix/replace this bug tracking system. It's terrible obfuscated, unusable. I didn't read it [I don't have the time to look for usable info in that mess]. See how *fdisk work: ht
I define ext3 as "ext2's journalling feature". I think this is the consensus definition. Can Parted resize vanilla ext2 file systems created with e2fsprogs nowadays? (I haven't tried it! Not enough t
I initially assumed I could upgrade with: dd if=/dev/hdb of=/dev/hda It was really slow, and I hope it didn't mess with my new HD. Anyway I interuptted that process as it was taking far too long, and
I've been using version 1.32 (shipped with Slackware 9.0) to create the partitions and also to disable dir_index as above. As I may or may not have mentioned, the version on the Parted boot floppies,
Well, I'm agnostic to either MiB or MB (1000 KiB). Well, it didn't mention it, but yes, it was a file and not a disk device. I figured that out after I sent my email, and hence the "need to be able t
It contains the on-disk attributes, not ntfs_attr. CPU overhead isn't really an issue in userspace. (Which isn't to say we should be sloppy, rather "premature optimization is the root of all evil") I