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Total 165 documents matching your query.

61. Re: scsi and windows boot problem (score: 11)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 12:47:39 +0200 (MEST)
Reproducing the problem is a no-brainer on any computer. Over the last 8 months several people told you several times what's the problem in parted and how to fix it. There were over 100(!) emails sen
/archive/html/bug-parted/2004-07/msg00074.html (9,191 bytes)

62. RE: Resize boot partition on RHEL AS 3.0 (score: 11)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2004 20:16:58 -0500
Hello, I am trying to resize the boot partition as I have run out of space on it. The next contiguous partition was the swap and so I removed this partition and made a new swap on another drive. Now
/archive/html/bug-parted/2004-06/msg00005.html (5,429 bytes)

63. Re: QTParted/reiserfs trashes (score: 11)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 17:21:53 +0100 (MET)
Thanks for the explanation. So it seems that reiserfs has changed at some point, then reiserfsprogs were adapted/fixed but not progsreiserfs. Usually this is solved by refactoring the code and/or mak
/archive/html/bug-parted/2004-03/msg00025.html (6,052 bytes)

64. Re: parted malfunctioning on an older disk ? 500Mo limit related ? (score: 11)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 22:15:11 +0100 (MET)
Somebody should really fix/replace this bug tracking system. It's terrible obfuscated, unusable. I didn't read it [I don't have the time to look for usable info in that mess]. See how *fdisk work: ht
/archive/html/bug-parted/2004-01/msg00085.html (6,464 bytes)

65. Re: Resizing ext3 (score: 11)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 11:52:19 +0000
I define ext3 as "ext2's journalling feature". I think this is the consensus definition. Can Parted resize vanilla ext2 file systems created with e2fsprogs nowadays? (I haven't tried it! Not enough t
/archive/html/bug-parted/2003-06/msg00041.html (7,114 bytes)

66. Re: 120 Gig problem (score: 11)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 09:50:27 +0300
I initially assumed I could upgrade with: dd if=/dev/hdb of=/dev/hda It was really slow, and I hope it didn't mess with my new HD. Anyway I interuptted that process as it was taking far too long, and
/archive/html/bug-parted/2003-06/msg00036.html (5,767 bytes)

67. Re: 1.6.4, 1.6.5: Filesystem has incompatible feature enabled (score: 11)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 08:26:35 -0700
I've been using version 1.32 (shipped with Slackware 9.0) to create the partitions and also to disable dir_index as above. As I may or may not have mentioned, the version on the Parted boot floppies,
/archive/html/bug-parted/2003-05/msg00051.html (7,137 bytes)

68. Re: 1.6.4, 1.6.5: Filesystem has incompatible feature enabled (score: 11)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 18:26:00 +0200 (MEST)
/archive/html/bug-parted/2003-05/msg00049.html (6,339 bytes)

69. Re: unit sizes and parted (score: 11)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 09:33:36 -0700
Well, I'm agnostic to either MiB or MB (1000 KiB). Well, it didn't mention it, but yes, it was a file and not a disk device. I figured that out after I sent my email, and hence the "need to be able t
/archive/html/bug-parted/2002-01/msg00131.html (7,499 bytes)

70. Re: [Linux-NTFS-Dev] NTFS resizer (score: 11)
Author: HIDDEN
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 10:18:30 +1000
It contains the on-disk attributes, not ntfs_attr. CPU overhead isn't really an issue in userspace. (Which isn't to say we should be sloppy, rather "premature optimization is the root of all evil") I
/archive/html/bug-parted/2001-08/msg00040.html (12,268 bytes)

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